The stone bridge. Part 1

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There is passion yet peace, security yet emotions, chaos yet order, and no life without death. Ash tolled themself every day as they headed through town. Ash had long silver hair tied back into a loose ponytail complementing their emerald green eyes. They wore black pants with a pair of knee-high black boots and wore a white shirt that was tucked into their pants, a dark brown trench coat brought it all together. Ash was an optimistic and compassionate person but could also be very sneaky. Ash continued to walk with their bookbag full of herbs and potions of all sorts, some people made fun of them for it but that's fine besides no one said a vampire couldn't do a little magic here and there. Ash came across the one part that they hated about their day, the bridge. A vain giant would always be there waiting for them just to put them in a pessimistic mood.

There he was Short blonde hair big strong mussels, a pair of bright blue eyes that sparkled upon his perfectly symmetrical face. But he knew of his perfect looks and was so vain about them. "Morning Ahe!'' he called out. As Ahe rolled their eyes.

"Hey Hey Hey, don't sulk like that when you see me. Come on." He said as he reached out to pat the top of Ashes head as they recoiled away.

"Please don't touch me, Matter."

"Oh come on, were just to guys-"


"To living beings," Matter muttered rolling his baby blue eyes, " whatever you're just jealous of my good looks and think it's tragic that you'll never be as pretty as me" Matter praised with such delight.

"You're a barbaric gargantuan who is so vain about their looks they might as well call you Naecissus." Ash shot back looking away with a pouty face that only made Matter snicker to himself. Ahe was tired of Matter every day it was like this is the nieces he's been to me all year. Ahe sighed this man had hurt a lot of people in the past, never learning his lessons but right now Ahe would hoodwink him.

They reached into their bag and pulled out a small vile full of pink liquid. "Matter, you wouldn't want those good looks to go to waste would you?" Ashe spoke to try to stop the smile from escaping his lips. "You know that as a mortal you'll just die off and become all old. NOw if you took this you'll become immortal, good looks living on forever."

The matter looked at the potion for a good while before taking it from Ashes hands. "Thank you, kind sir. I mean Ummm kind living being." MAtters eyes sparkled as he held the potion, " this is The one thing I need thank you." he announced before he chugged the whole thing down. Matter's skin started to bubble and his skin took an ugly shade of green. Ashe picked up their stuff and ran for cover. Matters skin formed a hunch back and he started to take the shape of an ogre.

"What Did You Do To ME!" Matter shrieked. Ahe slowly creeped out of his hiding place and calmly walked towards the ogre. Ash walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye. Ashe's glare scared Matter.

Ash pick up his courage and raised his shaking hand and pointed at MAtter." Until you learn to respect people you'll never be Handsom again." Then Ashe paused. What color was that potion? Then Ash remembered clearing his thought to speak again. " Matter that task would have been too easy. Not only must you respect people you must learn to love someone besides yourself!" And with that Ahe turned around and went home. From what he knew Matter would never bother him again.

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