Crème Brûlée and Kisses [Jean Pierre Polnareff]

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Cerulean blue eyes stared mindlessly at the ceiling as Polnoraff laid in bed, bored outta his mind

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Cerulean blue eyes stared mindlessly at the ceiling as Polnoraff laid in bed, bored outta his mind.

Being in a musky, cheap, and run-of-the-mill hotel was basically solitary confinement.

Stuck in bed, in a small room with a bathroom that was even smaller, felt claustrophobic.

Huffing out a long and exaggerated sigh, the Frenchman then turned his head to looked out the big, open window.

At least today's weather was bright and sunny with clear blue skies that seemed to beckon him as he laid in bed and sulked.

He really didn't want be here.

However, after surviving a close encounter with the wicked Ebony Devil, Mr. Joseph and the others all had decided that it was best to stay low-key for the time being. By splitting up into groups of two, in case another enemy stand like The Devil's card happens to strike again.

Heaving a sigh, Polnoraff groaned whilst closing his eyes.

'Damnit it was boring!'

Never expected India to have such shitty and dull hotels! Couldn't they've at least booked a hotel that had tv instead of fancy curtains and trinkets, as well the annoyingly small soaps shaped like candy.

It wouldn't hurt to have just a little bit of entertainment.

But, it wasn't just entertainment he'd wanted to help distract him while he healed.

No, what he wanted most was a beautiful-

*Knock. knock.*

Polnoraff's head shot up as he averted his eyes towards the door.

"Come in!"

The door soon opened and Polnoraff felt his heart skip a beat as he watched, what could only be described as true beauty, walk into the room.

"Hey Jean!" You greeted, stepping inside whilst closing the door behind you.

"Ma chérie, what are you doing here?" He asked surprised but happily.

"What? I'm booked right down the hallway from you, dummy. Besides, am I not allowed to come and check on a friend?" You pouted.

Blushing, he sat up and gave you goofy smile.

"O-of course, mon amour and to what do I owe the pleasure of this lovely visit?" He smiles.

"I'm just here to see how your wounds are holding up." You say making your way over towards his bed and sat him.

Polnoraff beamed at this as he mentally thanked the heavens for this grateful blessing.

"You're too kind, ma chérie, but there's no need to worry. I'm feeling a lot better. Nothing but a few cuts and bruises." He reassures.

"Glad to hear, also I brought you something!" You say holding up a plastic bag as you sat at the foot of his bed.

"What is that?" He asked, raising a brow, watching you reach into the bag.

"Well, I know how you always complain about these cheap hotels having crappy room service, therefore I brought you some homemademade creme brulee and milk." You say pulling out a small bowl containing said dessert, wrapped in tinfoil.

The Frenchman's eyes widen at this, as you handed him the bowl.

Creme brulee?! He haven't had creme brulee since he was a young boy!

"Oh ma chérie, you truly are an angel! Please, marry moi!" Polnoraff cried happily as he started to tear up.

You rolled your eyes before laughing, "You're such a dork Jean, but let's wait until after we defeat Dio, hmm!"

You didn't miss the way his eyes lit up at your statement.

"R-really! You'll marry me!" He asked as you put a finger under your chin, pretending to be in thought.

"Hmm, only if we survive and that you promise to teach me French and fencing!" You say.

Polnoraff chuckled, "So you want to learn fencing? I don't know cherie, it takes a lot of practice and skill. You'll have to be pretty agile and light on your feet."

"What kind of advice is that? I am agile and light on your feet! I know how to guard, parry, and thrust." You exclaimed whilst moving your arms like you were actually holding a sword.

Polnoraff couldn't help but laugh at how charmingly adorable you are.

"What's so funny? Stop laughing, I'm serious!" You exclaimed, blushing in embarrassment.

"Hahaha, chérie, tu es trop mignon!" He continued laughing.

Growling, you sat up and shoved his arm, "What are you saying? S-stop laughing! Stop!"

Having enough of his bullshit, you crawled into his lap, now straddling him, before pitching both his cheeks.

'Huh, for muscular guy, he sure has a punchable face!' You thought.

"Damnit Jean! Quit it!"

"Hahaha ow...Ow..OW! Okay, okay..I'll stop!" He whined as you let go of his face.

"Honestly, I don't why I love you! You can be such a child." You say frustrated, giving a sigh.

Hold up! Wait a minute?

"You love me?" Polnoraff repeated.

You blinked a few times before realization hit you on what'd you just said as your face went all red.

"N-no, that's not what I meant to say...W-what I meant to say're a buff, sexy frenchman that I like you...wait..shit..that's not what I meant neith-"

You were quickly silenced by Polnoraff's lips pressing against yours as your eyes widen in shock.

You soon felt him wrap his muscular arms around you, pulling you closer towards his well-toned frame.

Eventually, you gave in and wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers caressing through a few hairs of his high top (which was surprisingly soft, making you questioned how did he managed to keep it up without the use of hair gel?)

After a few minutes, he pulled back slowly, the both of you panting heavily for air. You could only stare at him, watching his cheeks flush and his blue eyes shimmer with love.

"Je t'aime!" He spoke.


"I said, I love you!" He smiled.

"Well, say it where I can understand you, idiot!" You pouted.

Polnoraff only chuckled softly, "of course love, and I'll be happy to teach you."

"And fencing?" You raised a brow.

"And fencing!" He nodded making you smile.

"Now what'd you say, we enjoy your homemade creme bluree!"


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