Chapter 3: Press Play

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The next day, I wake up earlier than usual for work.
I haven't given Paintbrush a call yet, but I will be putting extra work into how I look today-just in case. I'm not even sure if I want to call him at all. I've decided he would probably be a two-week trip away from the reality of my lackluster life. Then he'd get to know me and decide he wasn't interested. Not that I don't have a lot to offer, but most men only want one thing, and I have no time for games.
Still, I find myself changing my schedule to dig out a thicker, more uncomfortable bra, to perfect my eyeliner, and to curl my hair only to go to work-somewhere I'm almost certain he won't show up again.

When I arrive for my shift, I instantly regret wearing my hair down. I've just given Bill more of a reason to gawk at me. I've tried in the past to look as unpleasant as I could while keeping with the company's hygiene policy, but I can't change my natural curvature that fights for freedom from my jeans and medium top.
Bill seems to notice that a little too much. He is a sleezeball of a boss. Constantly looking where he shouldn't, constantly creepily flirting, and walking on a thin line between boss-employee relationship and sexual harassment.
My coworker, Sienna, and I caught him flirting with customers on multiple occasions.
Maybe he just thinks he's being nice? Nah, he is definitely a pervert. Not to mention the fact that he only seems to hire women around my age-he's like sixty.
Maybe it will be worth putting up with Bills' wandering eyes if the one person I want to see me dolled up comes by.
I look over my shoulder to see Bill creeping from his office, his short figure moving in slow strides.
"You're late," he starts, his bald head reddening already.
Sheesh, what has him so worked up today? I'm five minutes late and the store hasn't even opened yet.
Before I can defend myself, his eyes flash over me and he interrupts. "Oh, I see why now. Careful, someone may come in here and ask to marry you."
Was that meant to be a compliment? Because it sounds awfully creepy. I force an awkward chuckle before sliding my cash drawer in for the day.

The first few hours go by normally. The regular flustered mom who's forgotten to pack wipes for her toddler before taking them to the babysitters, the teenage boy who's just gotten his license and needs to buy an energy drink every morning before school, and the random woman who always buys a pack of pens and a singular five-pack of gum all came and went as I expected. And finally, the one person I've been waiting to see walks through the door. Sienna.
"God bless you," I sigh in relief. Sienna grins in return.
"Hey girl, hey," she greets me, sassy as ever.
"This place is a wasteland..." I whisper barely and roll my eyes.
I was going to die if I didn't have someone I know to talk to soon. Besides, I want to ask her if she's ever seen Paintbrush in here before. Something about a guy like him coming to a place like this just doesn't seem right to me.
Had he come in before? Did he give Sienna the same sexy gaze he'd offered me on more than one occasion?
I don't know why he wouldn't. Her naturally wavy red hair, doll-like skin, perfectly thin and fit body, and big sky-blue eyes would catch anyone's attention-men and women alike.
"Girl, you look fabulous!" Sienna squeaks, noticing my fixed hair.
"If only it was naturally pretty like yours, without having to fight it. Maybe I'd wear it down more often," I say, running my hands cautiously through my loose curls.
"Pft. I can't fight mine. This mane can't be tamed!" she proclaims, tossing her thick locks over her shoulder as she half walks, half skips off to grab her cash register.

"You're so lucky you were off yesterday," Sienna sighs with jealousy in her voice as she slides her drawer into the register behind mine.
"Why, what was yesterday?" I turn to face her.
"Yesterday, Bill received the yearly audit heads up. They're making their rounds earlier than usual and this place was almost hazardous when it was all disorganized. He was freaking out and I had to single-handily rearrange the entire store," she complains with an eye roll, but I can tell she's kind of proud of the rearranging she did.
"Oh, so that's why he's extra worked up today. I guess I did luck out." I can't help smirking as I pretend to wipe the sweat from my forehead.
"Yeah. Well, I hope it was worth it, you better have made the best of your day off because Bill wanted to call you in, but I convinced him not to," Sienna explains. "You're welcome," she adds.
"You're a saint. Don't worry, you'll probably be off when those auditors decide to make an appearance." I give her a sympathetic look.
"A girl can only dream."
"It may have been worth it though," I start, peaking Sienna's interest.
She looks at me for a moment, possibly trying to figure out what could have happened. Then she insists, curiosity written on her face, "Well, tell me!"
I pause for a moment and glance around to make sure Bill isn't lurking nearby.
When I don't see him, I continue, "Alright, so the other day when you were off, this guy who looks about our age came in here," I explain, "and he was cute-but that's beside the point. I'd never seen him before. Usually, I'd remember anyone our age because we went to school with them. I never see anyone new around here. Then I bumped into him yesterday when I was out, and he gave me his number. He said his name is Blake. Ring any bells?"
"Hmmm..." Sienna rubs her jaw, pondering my question. "Well, there were a couple Blakes we went to school with, but none that you wouldn't remember if you saw them today. What does he look like? Are you going to call him?"
I describe what this Blake character looks like in the best detail I can manage and Sienna shrugs like she's unsure.
"So, it's weird how I'd run into the same someone I don't know two days in a row, right?" I ask, trying to see if I'm the only one overthinking it.
A grin creeps across her face before she says, "that sounds like fate to me. You should call him. You need to press play on your life anyway."
"Hey!" I object, mildly offended. "My life is perfectly fine without a man. I'm just fine being dependent on myself," I say defensively, but I feel like I'm trying to convince myself instead of her.
Sienna mocks me and pretends to snore. "Snore fest!" she shouts.
"Come on now!" I shove her at her side, trying to hush her cruel laughter.
"Maybe you're right," I admit, "but I guess we'll have to see if fate is really as strong as you think, because I don't need to call him. He can come to me," I decide once and for all.
Sienna raises an eyebrow at me then shrugs her shoulders slightly. "We'll see."

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