Chapter 27: If I Stay

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When my eyes finally blink open, it feels like I've been sleeping for hours, but the still-dim sky tells me otherwise. I stretch briefly, just a little in an attempt not to wake Blake whose alarm hasn't gone off yet. I lay still and close my eyes again, even though I'm already fully awake.

Somehow, today feels different. The groggy feeling that usually takes an hour and a coffee to get rid of is nonexistent. The thoughts I've been suppressing press their way to the surface and I don't even mind. I have an essay to finish. I need to find a job before I miss rent. Those thoughts come this time unaccompanied by one million what-ifs and, instead, by some sense of motivation. And now, I'm even more wide-awake than before.

I turn gently and reach for my phone to check the time. I feel around the bed, above my head, under the pillows, but there's nothing there. I feel further, but still, nothing. The bed feels empty-very empty.

I pat the entire other half of the bed. Nothing is there, no one is there. I remember that I left my phone outside-I hope it didn't rain-but where is Blake?

I reach for my underwear and slide them on under the blankets, still unsure where Blake went or when he's coming back. Then, I look around for any piece of clothing. When I don't find anything, I make my way to his closet. I pick out the biggest, baggiest shirt I can find and slide it over my head.

I make my way down the stairs, through the kitchen, past the open bathroom door, and into the living-room, still unable to spot Blake. Maybe he left early for work. Still, I don't even know what time it is.

I step outside onto the dewy grass and look around. His bike and car are both in their places. I step gently through the wet grass, making my way to the bonfire where I think I left my phone. Sure enough, my phone is sitting in the cup holder of the chair I was sitting in yesterday.

I turn the screen on, and it lights up. It's only 6:47. I wipe the moisture from it. Still works.

When I turn to make my way back inside, a small movement in the corner of my eye grabs my attention. Blake steps from the front door of the farmhouse-the one I thought he didn't go in. That's weird.

I wave when he sees me, and I can see the smile on his face even from that distance. He picks up his pace and we meet at the front door of his barn, which he opens for me.

"Good morning," he says.

"Good morning-uh, where were you?"

He looks over his shoulder. "Oh, I was just-just waiting for our laundry to dry before I go to work."

"Awh, you washed my clothes?" I ask, even though his response didn't answer my question. I almost want to go in there myself, to maybe see what he was doing. But it was his mom's house and I have a feeling he wouldn't want me to do that, so I suppress the urge. I guess it really doesn't matter what he was doing, it's not really any of my business. I was just a little thrown off by the fact that he wasn't in bed when I woke up.

He tugs on the baggy shirt at my hip. "You need something to wear, don't you?" And he pulls our warm clothes from the dryer, handing me mine from the small pile.

"You woke up early to make sure I'd have something clean to wear? You're the sweetest." I tell him.

"Of course," he says, and leans down for a kiss. And as our lips meet, I realize he was aiming for my cheek.

"Oh," he chuckles through his lips, placing three more soft kisses on mine. I can feel his smile against me, but it fades as his hand slides up my thigh and the pressure of his lips on mine increases.

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