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EURION WAS NEVER ONE for fancy parties. Well, she was, but not as a guest. When she went she was never invited, she just snuck in and had a field day pickpocketing rich people and stealing expensive things from the walls.

This party, however, she was invited to. And she would only be stealing one thing.

The worst part would be the clothes. Above all else, she hated fancy dresses and dolling herself up. Giselle, however, was insistent upon them all getting fancied up and blending in with the royal crowd. They would already stick out enough, she didn't want them to look the part as well.

So Eurion dragged her feet and followed along as the princess led them to the Vernal Palace, because she didn't have much of a say on the matter.

The trip to the palace took a full day, and they slept at a fancy inn before continuing to the actual palace. The Verbal Kingdom was a bright, happy place full of colors and life and blossoming trees and impossibly green hills. This was what Eurion thought of when she thought of faeries.

She felt like she would sneeze as she walked to the palace, which rested atop a hill, sitting above a glistening waterfall and nestled between tall mountains. Flowers were everywhere, even in places one wouldn't expect them to be. Vines crawled down the palace walls, and moss grew within the crevices of every stone in sight.

The inside wasn't much different. In fact, there wasn't much of an "inside" at all. Instead of hallways, there were pathways lined with flowery arches, with fresh petals strewn across the ground and the sounds of chirping birds ringing through the ambience of the palace.

The residential areas were properly inside, but there were high windows wherever there could be high windows. There were also several potted plants, some of which were wilted, but they brightened as Giselle walked past them.

Her room was just as extravagant and just as flowery. It was almost the size of a small church, a large window and a shimmering chandelier working together to light up the space. A massive canopy bed was the centerpiece of the room, and vines curled along its frame.

A spiral staircase in the corner of the room led up to a thin catwalk, which was where Giselle led them all right away. The catwalk opened up to another room, filled completely with clothes and a small folding divider in one corner for privacy.

Giselle turned to them all with a wide grin. "So who's first?"

The princess did not hold back for any of them. Chalice volunteered to go first when no one else did, and Giselle took care to make them look dashing. Their hair was decorated with vines and braids, but she didn't do a lot to it other than that. She replaced their green cloak with a fancier one, embroidered with Celtic twists along the edges, a golden armored vest fastening the cloak to their shoulders.

Lionel didn't take a lot. Seelies loved children enough, it was probably a better idea to make him less flashy. Eurion had no idea why there was clothes fit for a six-year-old in her closet, but there was a whole section for men already. Perhaps collecting clothes was a hobby.

After washing the grime from his hair and skin, Kit was next. His hair was neat for once when Giselle was done with him, a thin crown over his forehead to make him look like a real prince. He wore a red cape and form-fitting golden armor, and Giselle couldn't resist brushing shimmering dust over his nose and cheeks and across his eyelids.

She had fun with Selene. It was clear how lovely she found the Lady Knight, and after she was cleaned up, hair done into a braided half-bun, she was already a sight. Her dress was a silvery blue form-fitting at the top but easy to maneuver at the bottom, and covered completely in jewels. Her chest and shoulders were protected with silver armor, carved with swirls, and her skin was dusted with an iridescent powder.

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