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holy fuck. it's already been over a hear since i finished this book. what the fuck. i had no idea i'd ever come this far with anything in my life. a completely drafted trilogy, fucking shortlisted in the watty's, nearly 3k reads now. i'm in awe. i know there could always be more success, but this is beyond everything i'd anticipated back when i started writing this silly little story.

and now, just over a year later, i am finally beginning the huge process of editing this piece of work. cleaning up the plot i half-pantsed, giving certain characters more love, making everything more comprehensive, completely rewriting the entirety of book two and half of book three cuz i should've gone an entirely different direction than i did *big sigh*, this process will likely take me longer than the process of plotting and writing the entire trilogy. but it will be worth it, because i get to love these characters a again, and i get to love them better, and hopefully one day i can polish this up and publish it.

anyways, enough sappy shit. during this process, i need to reread the book. and therefore, i may leave comments for myself throughout this work to take notes so i don't lose my immersion in the story. as a reader, your input will also be incredibly valuable to the process of editing. and so, (kindly and respectfully) leaving your thoughts, ideas, and feedback as you read, will benefit me greatly. and hopefully, one day, it might benefit you too, with a better story.

TL:DR i'm editing this mess and i'm gonna leave weird comments so don't mind me lol

with that, enjoy the story, in all its imperfections 🤍

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