Poem 7. His Thoughts ⚠️

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His Thoughts

He grew up with his family
He never felt save though
He never thought good thoughts
Or it's at least been a while
He's not in the right place

This boy
Always thinks things he shouldn't
No one should
His age being young
Wasn't any better
He thought things that people who
Aren't mentally stable
Would normally think

His thoughts contained
Harm to others
Harm to himself
Feeling unsafe
Being afraid of himself
And such

He didn't like it
So he decided to make friends
These friends helped
Not enough to get rid of them
But enough to help
He still had these thoughts
Often sure

He didn't share them
Not a lot at least
Especially with his parents
He's scared to
He's scared of his parents
He doesn't know why

These are
His thoughts

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