sister, sister

461 13 18

The three boarded the train, they were travelling back to y/n and Cal's apartment. Now they had used their gift they were in danger.

Prauf: You two holding up okay?

Cal: Good, yeah. You?

Prauf: Yeah, heh...Cal...I been workin' with you two some time now. I've never seen you do anything like that before. We've been through some hell together. So...I know the risk that you took for me. I just...I don't know how to repay you.

y/n: Don't mention it. I mean it.

Prauf: O – Oh, you don't have to worry about me. But, this's not safe. Maybe you should, you know, disappear?

Cal: Just gotta head back to our place, grab our bags. 

y/n: Tabbers owes me a favor.

Prauf: I heard he was up on, uh, Nar Shaddaa?

y/n: Yeah. You won't be seeing us for a while, Prauf.

Prauf: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Okay.

Cal leant back, finally allowing himself to relax, and drifted into a dream state. When he opened his eyes, Prauf and y/n were walking through the vestibule to the next car on the train. Confused, Cal began to follow them.

Cal: y/n? ...Prauf, wait up! ...Where you going?

As Cal moved between each compartment of the train, there are fewer and fewer people, until it is just him, y/n and Prauf. The two disappeared behind a final door, Cal tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. The sounds of the train fade away, when Cal turned around he was struck with horror, he was standing in the immaculately sterile hallway of an Imperial Star Destroyer. An alarm blared throughout the facility making Cal thoroughly uneasy. Anxious and confused, Cal began to run down the hallway. Aperture doors closed in front of him. Reaching out with the Force, Cal opened the first door in front of him...and fell back and onto the floor.

His old master, a towering lasat, moved toward him. With an outstretched hand, the lasat Jedi harnessed the force to lift Cal off the ground, suspending him in front of him.

Jaro Tarpal: Apprentice. Mark well and listen:

Cal: Master!?

Jaro Tarpal: Trust only in the Force.

Master Tarpal dropped Cal to the ground, and the impact shook him out of his dream – or vision Prauf and y/n were back next to him, but their train had stopped moving.

y/n: Did you see it too?

Cal: Yes... train is stopped.

Prauf: Yeah, something's going on.

The blast doors to their compartment opened, and two stormtroopers entered.

Stormtrooper #1:Everybody up. Identification ready.

Stormtrooper #2:Move out and line up.

Prauf: It's probably just another contraband inspection.

Whilst the change in the day was not that severe, the sky had visibly darkened, emitting a sinister atmosphere amongst the passengers. The Second Sister emerged with her faithful purge troopers. Cal y/n, and Prauf exited the train, and were met with an assembly of unfamiliar troopers wearing black armor with red visors. They followed the rest of the passengers and assembled reluctantly into a line. Nearby, a TIE Interceptor and a black Imperial Shuttle landed. A lithe, black armored figure emerged from the advanced TIE...

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