Beepy boopy bois

386 10 17

Cal: You two? Anybody else?

Greez: Oh, we're not good enough for you?

y/n: The Jedi Council?

Cere: They're gone.

Cal: we're all you've got.

Cere:Captain. Set a course for Bogano.

Greez: Aye, aye.

Cere: In the meantime, try and relax. Go. You're safe. For now.

The men wandered the Mantis, trying to process the events of the past few hours while the ship hurtled toward Bogano. Eventually they drifted off on bunk beds, and in their dreams they heard the echoes of some of Prauf's final words.

Prauf: You gotta move on and live your life. Find your destiny...Cal look out!

Cal was startled awake. Greez was standing over him, looking concerned.

Greez: You were talkin' in your sleep. Weirdo.

Cal woke y/n up and walked around the ship, eventually stumbling upon an old seven-string hallikset – a stringed instrument not unlike a mandolin. He sensed a memory through the item, an echo in the Force, and picked it up and began to play a haunting melody.

Cere: That song...I wrote it. Years ago. You touch an object and witness events connected to it. You feel its history.

Cal: It's an...echo in the Force from the object.

Cere: Not many Jedi have that skill.

y/n: How would you know that?

Cere: I was once a Jedi. But not anymore.

y/n: Do we know you?

Cere: No. But I knew your master, Jaro Tapal. He was a true guardian of the Republic.

y/n: What about mine?

Cere: I dare say everyone knew Kit Fisto

Cal: They were heroes... Listen... something happened to us during the Purge. We survived, but... our connections to the Force was damaged. 

y/n: When we meditate, if we let our guard down... we lose control. It's like we're back in that moment when...

Cere: You survived.

There was a long pause.

Cere: And you're not alone. Not anymore.

Greez: We're coming up on our destination.

The Mantis exited hyperspace and landed on the hilly, grassy planet of Bogano. Cere, y/n and Cal exited the ship.

Cere: This is Bogano. A Jedi I knew discovered it before the Purge. You won't find it on any maps.

y/n: The Empire doesn't know this place exists?

Cere: No.

Cal: So? What's the plan? Hide out here?

Cere: We're done hiding, Cal. See that structure over there?

Cere gestured toward a massive cylindrical building in the distance – it looked almost like one of the towers of the old Jedi Temple, but more archaic.

Cere: I believe that Vault holds the key to rebuilding the Jedi Order. But it requires someone strong in the Force to pass its test.

Cal: And since you're not a Jedi anymore, that's why you need us.

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