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I sat at my usual place at Raven's and ordered my usual.

"Hmm, okay. Let's do this." I said to myself as Aurora placed my order on the table.

"You're mighty early today, Noah." She smiled at me, She and her husband, Paul are basically like my second family in this small town called Sherwood.

"Uh, well I'm going to try it today, Aurora." I smiled back at her, hoping that I could do it.

"Oh. Well good luck with that son. You can do it!" She gave me a thumbs up and went back to the counter.

It was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon here at Raven's and the place is not quite full. Only a few people are inside. Probably because of the chilly weather. Stupid town and its stupid weather.

I looked at the food in front of me. Struggling to break my habit because I was sick of it. I was sick of the torment it gave me. I wanted to be normal for once. I want to live peacefully. I just wanted to escape.

I slowly grabbed the fork and maneuvered it over the leafy food. okay good, Noah. It's a good start. Just don't over-think. Just stab that god damn lettuce for starters. I mentally told myself and hovered the fork just an inch away from the lettuce. Tic. Fight the urge Noah! Just fight the stupid urge!

Some people inside the diner are giving me weird stares, Hey, I would give myself one too. I was used to them. I was immune. I get that a lot from school. I knew that I looked like a complete retard but I can't stop it. I can't stop the ticking inside my head and the constant refreshing of images flashing in my mind.

I thought I was going to finally do it today, but I guess not. It's like my mind has a mind of it's own, and I have no power against my body. I started to arrange the contents of my salad according to their color. As much as I want to stop it, I can't and I couldn't. I hear different voices in my head talking simultaneously telling me different things. Commanding me with different orders.

You can't eat your salad like that, it's irritating. The colors are all messed up. The lettuce is touching the tomatoes. You seriously cannot eat that.

C'mon, It's okay to eat it like that. Just stab the goddamn lettuce.

No it's not okay to eat it like that. It's unorganized.

In the end, I followed the voice inside my head. I organized my food.

I guess it took me a long time to 'organize' my so called food because by the time I looked up, I saw a girl walking to a seat two chairs away from me, looking at me, giving some kind of weird stare.

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