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i woke up and instantly checked my phone, the time reading 1pm. i sighed to myself, my sleeping pattern was all over the place and i told myself i would try and fix it but that clearly isn't working. 

i dragged myself out of bed to make a cup of tea and get some paracetamol as my head was pounding. this happened every morning, apparently crying yourself to sleep every night has a negative affect on your health? who would have thought. 

i got straight back in to bed, wishing i could sleep all day so that I wouldn't have to feel the way I did. my mental health was going downhill again. i'd either feel every emotion all at once or feel empty inside and it made me spend all day in bed.

opening up my laptop, i instantly opened safari and typed in youtube, going straight to my favourite youtube channel: the sidemen. even on my darkest days their channel made me smile and honestly it was the only thing keeping me going, i don't know what I'd do if i didn't have their videos to watch.

even though i loved them all, one member always had my attention: harry lewis. there was no denying how beautiful he is and how naturally funny he is, making me smile as soon as the camera is put on him. he's one of them people i wish i was friends with but unfortunately he had no idea who i was. 

hours had passed as i made my way though their channel, watching videos i have already watched multiple times before. it was now 6pm and my phone vibrated showing that harry had sent out a tweet saying he was going to be doing a twitch stream and i instantly felt a wave of happiness. i loved when he did streams as it was a chance to spend hours away from reality and my own thoughts and just focus on him. 

i quickly opened my phone and pressed on the twitch app and onto his stream and saw that today he was going to be playing geoguesser with vik and freezy and that they's also be playing a drinking game. this would be interesting. 

after a few hours harry was very drunk after making his way through a bottle of ciroc very quickly. seeing this side to him made me love him even more, he is so funny and you can see how much he loves his friends and it's so lovely to see. it made my desire to be in his life even stronger. imagine a night out with harry lewis. imagine him telling you that he loves you like he told vik. i guess i can dream. 

the stream eventually came to an end as harry was far too drunk. he would definitely be hungover in the morning and i longed to be the person he woke up beside the next day when he needed looking after. 

hii, this is my first story so sorry if its not that great. also the first few chapters is more going to be lauren's life but bare with me because harry will fully come into it soon :)) also i think this is quite short but I don't want to drag out the chapters where harry and lauren aren't talking because its probs really boring hahaha.

thanks for reading :) 

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