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i woke up to a pounding headache, already regretting my alcohol consumption from the night before. i realised i was laid on dans couch wearing one of his t-shirts, not remembering getting back to his apartment. last night was honestly a blur and i was definitely going to suffer all day but i'm glad i actually got our for once. 

i got up from the couch and made my way to his kitchen to get some water and paracetamol to try and get rid of this horrific headache. i always had the worst hangovers when i went out with dan, we are such bad influences on each other. 

i looked at the time and noticed it was already 3pm so i walked into dans room to see if he was awake. to my surprise he actually was and i got into bed next to him. 

"i'm so rough today" i groaned as i hugged him from the side. 

"i'm not too bad to be honest just tired, was a really good night though i enjoyed it" he replied, putting his arm around me.

"yeah same it was nice to get out again. can we get dominos though please i need to try and get rid of this hangover" i practically begged the boy next to me. 

"obviously but my phones dead because i forgot to put it on charge so you'll have to order it off your phone." he informed me. 

"yeah course i'll just go and get it" i said whilst already standing up and making my way towards the living room. i picked my phone up off the floor and quickly looked at my notifications. they were just the usual: a few tweets from youtubers who's notifications i had on and a few snapchats off my friends. as i was looking through them my heart dropped. i couldn't believe what I was looking at. 

wroetoshaw: hellloooo lauren, I'd love to see pictres of your dogg xxx

what the fuck? what the actual fuck? why has harry fucking lewis sent me a message on instagram? i was so embarrassed that i had sent him a drunk message, i couldn't even type properly and he's clearly picked up on that. 

i stared at my phone in shock, unable to process what i was looking at. i must have took a long time because dan shouted asking what was taking me so long. i practically ran into his room with my phone open on harry's message. the shock must have been written all over my face as dan jumped up and said "loz what's wrong? what's happened?" i handed him my phone, still unable to speak. he read the message and burst out laughing. 

"lauren this is far too funny i can't believe he actually replied to you. he's proper had your life there as well" he said whilst still laughing. 

"dan this isn't even funny. i can't even remember messaging him and why would i even say that i don't even have a dog" i groaned, "why would you let me message him?"

"hey you should be thanking me right now you've got a message of the boy you won't shut up about. i personally think this is hilarious" he replied.

"yeah you're right but still i literally can't believe it, we are twats when we are drunk. i don't even know what i'm supposed to reply, he probably won't send me any more messages anyway." I say.

"nah I'm sure he will if he's replied once, has he followed you or just messaged you?" dan asks.

I go off mine and harry's messages and check my instagram notifications and saw something I was even more shocked to see, if that was even possible right now. 

wroetoshaw started following you.

"dan what the actual fuck is going on right now, surely i'm still drunk. surely harry fucking lewis hasn't sent me a dm and followed me. surely fucking not, i'm definitely dreaming" i say in disbelief. 

dan basically screamed next to me "this is so exciting loz! he's definitely stalked your instagram and you look so fit in your photos so he probably does fancy you, you need to reply to his message"

i sighed, "okay i will i just need to think about what to say. i've already made an awful first impression so i guess it can't get any worse than that."

i look down at my phone and open the messages between us again. i think the best thing I can do is apologise, he had a random girl drunk message him at 5am asking if he wants pictures of her dog. i literally don't even have a dog, i don't understand what was going through my brain. 

laurendavis: omg i can't believe i sent that message i'm honestly so sorry. if me messaging you mortal wasn't bad enough it makes it more embarrassing that i don't even have a dog🙃

I showed dan the message i had sent him and he agreed that i chose the right thing to say. 

"right, can we order dominos now? and can we watch a movie or something i need to take my mind off it whilst i wait for a reply i'll probably never get." i sighed. 

"i already ordered it whilst you were replying to him, it should be here in 15 minutes. as for the movie come get back into my bed and i'll put legally blonde on" i smiled at his response, legally blonde is my favourite movie and he knows i like to watch it when I'm stressed or need cheering up. he's the best friend i could ever ask for. 


at around 9pm i decided it would be best for me to go home now. i hug dan before leaving his apartment and getting in an uber back to my apartment. whilst in the uber, i checked my phone and saw that harry still hadn't replied to me. i was slightly disappointed but I knew deep down that he was never going to reply to me. 

i got out the uber and made my way into my apartment, instantly getting into bed and falling asleep as i was still very hungover. 

hii hope you enjoyed chapter 3! btw just thought i'd clear up that if it wasn't obvious dan is gay so everything that happens between him and lauren is purely friendship! there's not going to be any drama with him liking her or anything😂 anyway thank you for reading :) x

then i met you // wroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now