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we stumble into harry's apartment, i was clearly drunk from a day of drinking but harry definitely wasn't as bad as me, just very tipsy. he closes the apartment door behind us and instantly pushes me up against the door, attaching our lips and immediately deepening the kiss. 

"have i told you how fucking beautiful you are?" he mumbles against my lips, attaching our lips together again straight after. 

"yes you have actually, you're showering me with compliments tonight," i slightly laugh. he pulls away from the kiss and stares into my eyes and my stomach does backflips, i don't think i'll ever get tired of looking into his eyes. 

"you're driving me absolutely crazy honestly, especially in that dress," he adds, still pressed up against my body. "come on, let's go upstairs and i'll show you my room."

i follow him through his apartment and up the stairs, noticing how unreal the view was surrounding where he lives. i'd love to live in london, especially in an apartment as beautiful as this. newcastle has nothing on this. 

we step into his room and to my surprise it was actually extremely tidy. "it doesn't usually look like this i'm not going to lie to you, just thought i'd make an effort seems as though you're my guest," he explains, "don't get used to it though, i doubt it will always look like this when you start coming over more often." i couldn't stop the smile that erupted on my face when he said this, he obviously sees a future with us and that makes me so happy. 

"aww aren't you just too kind to me harold. i'm very impressed you've tidied it this time to be honest, i didn't have high expectations," i smirk and he rolls his eyes. 

"well, you're going to be even more shocked when i tell you the efforts i've put into your stay," he replies whilst walking over to his drawers. he opens them, pulls out a bag and hands it to me.

"what's this harry?" i ask him, curious as to what is in the bag.

 "open it and find out," he replies. so i do and i notice multiple things: makeup wipes, a hairbrush, a toothbrush, leggings and what appeared to be one of his t-shirts. 

tears fill my eyes as i look at the things he has bought, clearly thinking ahead of the things that i'd need if i took him up on his offer of staying over. it was just a small gesture, but it still meant the world to me, i'm not used to people caring even slightly about me. "you actually are the cutest, thank you so much harry," i say, putting the bag down and giving him a hug.  

"i know it's not anything special but i just thought you'd need the essentials if you were staying over, i have got you a present for your birthday but i'll give you that tomorrow," he replies, hugging me back. 

"you really shouldn't have got me a present, you being here is good enough. thank you though, for everything," i smile, knowing that means something deeper to me than he'll even realise. he really has saved me from a dark part of my life. 


i woke up the next day, forgetting where i was for a second until i felt the warmth behind me. memories of the night flooded back to me whilst i laid with harry's arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together. i couldn't believe i was with him in his bed.

my thoughts were then interrupted by harry whispering "morning" into my ear, cuddling me even tighter. his morning voice was fucking beautiful.

"morning harold," i replied, still half asleep, "how are you feeling this morning?"

"i'm not too bad to be honest, i didn't really drink much except before i came to meet you. just feeling very happy today i'm not going to lie. god, you've turned me into such a soppy twat," he groans, reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers. i loved when he did this and i think he loved it too seems as though he does it all the time. 

"aww aren't you a cutie, i'm very happy too so don't worry," i laughed, even though i was telling the truth, this was the happiest i've ever been. 

"are you not hungover anyway, birthday girl? i'm sure you drank quite a lot yesterday until i came and distracted you," he asks me. 

"no i'm actually fine surprisingly, i think it's because i calmed down and you shocked the drink out of my system," i laugh, "also i keep forgetting it's my birthday."

"how can you forget it's your birthday! guess we'll have to celebrate extra hard today so that you don't forget. i'll have to spoil you as well," he smirks, turning to lie on his back making me frown at the new coldness.

"no harry, you know you don't have to spoil me, you've already done enough being here i've told you," i groan. i really didn't want him spending money on me. 

"aw shhh babe, i want to. come on anyway, should we get up and i'll attempt to make you some breakfast? i'm not a great cook but i'll at least try," he says, already beginning to stand up and put some sidemen joggers and a hoodie on. i get up as well, leaving his t-shirt on that he gave me the night before but also putting some leggings on just in case freezy ended up back home. 

i followed him out of his bedroom and into the kitchen and living room area. to our surprise there were 2 people sleeping on the couch. "harry what the fuck? who is that?" i ask, genuinely confused. 

"i have no idea loz, sure it looks like dan and someone else, so i'm guessing it's lucie or amiee," he answers, "but how the fuck have they ended back here?"

"god knows," i laugh, "come on let's go investigate."

as we get closer we notice it is in fact dan and lucie, both asleep on a couch each. "guessing freezy brought aimee home and invited them as well," harry states, his theory making a lot of sense. 

"fucking hell, at least cal actually brought her back though and didn't just shag her in the toilets or whatever dan was talking about," i laugh, this situation being far too funny. "glad we paid all that money for a hotel just for us to take over your apartment."

"i mean me and dan knew you'd end up staying here anyway, it's just hilarious that they've ended up here as well. bet they were in a proper state last night, i wonder what time they got back," he ponders.

"what time is it now?" i ask whilst checking my phone, seeing the time read 10am, "they probably only got in like 5 hours ago i'm not going to lie, so they'll be dead to the world for a few more hours. gives us a bit of peace."

"that's good," he says, kissing my forehead, "lets go and make food then, i'm thinking pancakes?"

"that sounds perfect," i smile, melting under his touch. 

hii, idk if anyone is reading this or waiting for updates but if you are i'm sorry it's took me a while to update! think i'm going to write. a few more chapters now tho.

thank you for reading as always :) hope you enjoyed, let me know if you did or didn't!

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