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it was now almost 9pm and we were all finally finished our hair and makeup and were putting our outfits on. i was wearing a pink, sparkly bodycon with silver sparkly heels, I had curled my blonde hair for a change and decided on a soft but still glam pink makeup look. (dress attached below) i looked in one of the huge mirrors and smiled at my reflection. not only was i satisfied with how i looked, it was also nice to see me genuinely happy for once and that was because of one boy i couldn't get off my mind.

 not only was i satisfied with how i looked, it was also nice to see me genuinely happy for once and that was because of one boy i couldn't get off my mind

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we all made our way into the kitchen and poured a gin each as we were having a few drinks before we went into london.

"as if its your birthday tomorrow loz, the baby of the group is finally turning 23!" aimee said, reminding us all that i'm the last in our group to have their birthday.

"more of an excuse to get absolutely fucked tonight then, lets have a sambuca shot each!" dan shouted, instantly reaching for the sambuca bottle and pouring out 5 shots.

"why have you poured 5 shots when there's only 4 of us.." i asked even though i knew exactly why he had 5 as he pushed 2 shot glasses towards me with a smirk. i groaned but still drank both of them.

we spent the next hour and a half drinking more gin, taking shots and chatting shit to each other as we got more and more tipsy. we ended up booking an uber at around 10:30pm and making our way into london before we got too drunk. 

whilst we were in the uber i got a text off harry. 

old harold: hey, you'll probably be drunk now knowing you but just wanted to message you and ask if you're having a good night so far? just over an hour until your birthday you old bitch!x

little loz: yes i am slightlyyy tipsyyy but i'm havig a gratt nigt, wishig you were here tho :( xx

old harold: aw there's the shit typing we love to see😂 i wish i was as well babe, i'm sure i'll see you soon though xx

i opened his message and decided to leave it because i knew if i kept messaging him i'd end up getting sad that he can't be here and i wanted to be happy tonight. also it didn't help that i could hardly see my phone which was making my typing awful.

"you okay loz?" lucie, who was sat next to me, asked.

"yeah i'm good, just a bit gutted we're in london the one weekend that harry isn't. i really want to meet him." i replied, sadness clearly evident in my voice. 

"aww man, i can tell how much you like him lauren and it's a shame but we'll have a good weekend just us, yeah? i'll get the shots in at the first club and we'll get pissed and have the best time ever. love you so much babes" she reassures me, attempting to hug me even though we were both sat down in the uber.

"thank you lucie, love you so much. lets get drunk!" i slightly laugh, attempted to hug her back. 

we all stumbled out of the uber, overly thanking our driver as we were all tipsy but he was nice and waved at us as he left. walking towards the first club, i clung to dans arm so that i didn't fall over because of my high heels and my alcohol intake. 

when we got in, lucie kept her promise and ordered us all jagerbombs that we all glad accepted and drank instantly. jagerbombs are the drink that get me in a bad drunken state so i already knew what kind of night it was going to be and that i probably wouldn't remember it turning my birthday at midnight. 

we all also ordered our drinks and then made our way to the dance floor, dancing like absolute twats but none of us cared, we were just enjoying ourselves.

multiple more drinks were consumed and by this point i was extremely drunk, so drunk i could hardly talk. i somehow managed to pull my phone out of my bag, looking at the time that i'm sure read 11:58pm. i screamed and showed my friends my phone, "look everyone, its almost my birthday!" 

dan bent down slightly so he was my height and shouted in my ear so that i could hear him above the music, "how would you feel if i said i might have possibly got you a birthday present even though you told me not to?"

"oh my god dan why! i don't want you buying me stuff you know that, you've done enough for me already" i slurred. 

"what if i told you I didn't actually spend any money on the present?" he asked, making me even more confused. 

"dan what are you talking about? am i drunk or are you being very confusing right now?" i questioned. 

"just turn around loz" he told me so i did as he told me to.

harrys pov

ever since lauren told me she was coming to london for her birthday, i knew i was going to make the effort to see her. i'd only been speaking to her for two days at this point but knew she was different, i knew i wanted to get to know her more. 

i didn't want to let her know this though, i wanted to surprise her and to do this i had to make up a lie as to why i couldn't be in london the whole weekend and i also needed one of her friends in on the surprise: dan. i'm actually shocked that he's kept it a secret from her this long as he keeps telling me how she constantly mentions how sad she is about me not being there and he's hated not being able to tell her. 

all day i've been so nervous, i was finally meeting the girl i had started falling for over this past month and i wanted to make a good impression. i know she's always liked me for my youtube personality, but i wanted her to like me as harry lewis as well and she's never actually met me in person. 

i paced back and forth in my living room, stressing over tonights events. 

"bog you've really got to chill out man, i've never seen you like this over a girl" freezy tells me.

"mate i know i don't know what's wrong with me but i really can't calm down, i'm so nervous" i explain to one of my best mates. 

"bro i know she's fit and that but she's just a girl she isn't going to bite your head off, she's also basically obsessed with you already you have nothing to worry about" cal attempts to reassure me. 

"yeah you're right i just don't want to mess it up, i really like her man. anyway, lets have a few drinks before we go and meet them i need to calm my nerves somehow" i say whilst reaching for the sambuca and doing three shots in a row then pouring the same amount out for freezy. 

"woah boggo you're going to be peppered before we even get there" he laughs.

"thats the idea cal, trust me she'll be in an even worse state" i reply also laughing. 

"you've got a point there lad, you're about to wife a proper sesh head" he says and i just roll my eyes.

after about an hour of drinking and stressing out, we finally get an uber and made our way to the address that dan had text me earlier. even though the drive was only ten minutes, it felt like i was in that car for well over an hour. 

we finally arrived and we got out of the uber, cal immediately walking to me. 

"you ready then, harold?" he asks me.

"i guess so" i reply without confidence, taking a deep breath and then walking towards the club to finally meet the girl who has took my heart.  

ooo harrys pov AND they're about to meet how exciting. also this is my longest so far hahah so much has happened this chapter. finally going to get loads of harry and lauren chapters tho wooo

thanks for reading as always, hope you all enjoyed :)

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