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i woke up to the noise of the dreadful iphone alarm and groaned when i looked at the time: 8am. i was so used to waking up after 11am that this was torture to me. 

it was friday today and my friends and i were travelling to london to celebrate my 23rd birthday which is on saturday. we have booked the hotel for 3 nights so that we can go out a few times and have a big celebration, even though 23 isn't exactly a big birthday we just wanted to get away for a while.

over the past month me and harry have talked every day and have got very close and i've found myself falling for him massively. i was hoping we'd be able to meet at some point this weekend but unfortunately he's been away filming with the sidemen since the beginning of the week and he won't return until the day i leave. 

to my surprise, i heard my phone vibrate as i had a text off harry. he also doesn't get up at this time so i was shocked he was awake. 

old harold: good morning beautiful! i have a busy day today but i hope you have a good day travelling and a good night out tonight. wish i could be there to celebrate with you :( have a drink for me x

little loz: good morning harry, thank you i will! I'd have a better day if i was finally meeting you tho :( have a good day filming x

i was meeting my friends dan, aimee and lucie at the train station at 9:30 so i quickly jumped out of bed and got into the shower. i had packed my bags last night and we were going to get ready for the night out at the hotel so i didn't have much to do this morning. 

i got out the shower and dried my hair. i decided just to wear joggers, a top and a zip up hoodie today as we were going to be on the train for around 4 hours and i wanted to be comfortable. 

i started to fill a shoulder bag with some food for breakfast but also a bottle of prosecco with 4 glasses so that we could have a drink on the train. even though its early its acceptable because it's my birthday so no judging. 

i grabbed my bag and my suitcase and made my way out of my apartment and downstairs to the uber to go to the train station. 


i arrived at the train station at 9:20 to be greeted by all three of my friends where they all ran up to me and brought me into a group hug. 

"hey birthday girl" cheers aimee as she hugs me.

"i am so excited for be mortal all weekend i'm not going to lie to you girls" lucie honestly says and we all agree with her. 

we begin walking to our train, dan and i walking in front of aimee and lucie. 

"so, how are you and harry? bet he's gutted he's missing this weekend" dan asks me. i've been seeing him most days this past month, keeping him up to date with the harry situation. he loves the thought of us together and knows how hard i'm falling for him. aimee and lucie know i've been speaking to someone but they don't know as much as dan as we aren't as close and i don't feel comfortable with them knowing a lot with harry being famous.

"we're good, it's just annoying that he can't come this weekend. i really like him but obviously nothing further can happen because we haven't even met yet. it's so shit living so far away from each other" i sigh. 

"i know babe but I'm sure you'll meet him soon. he definitely feels the same way as you so i'm sure he'll plan something so you can meet each other" dan reassured me. 

we get on the train and sit at our table. i was sat next to dan with aimee opposite me and lucie next to her. once the train started i reached for the prosecco and the glasses out of my bag, earning cheers from my three friends. 

"yes loz of course you'd come through with the alcohol before 10am, absolute legend!" lucie squeals.


we had finally arrived at our hotel in london, the time reading 3pm. we had all been saving for this weekend for a while, meaning we were able to book a stunning hotel that looked like a luxury apartment rather than a hotel room. it had three bedrooms: two of them had double beds and one was a twin room and we had already decided that aimee and lucie would share the twin room. also, there was a living and kitchen area the consisted of 2 couches, a tv and of course a small kitchen. the part of the hotel room that sold it to us though was the dressing room that had 3 different dressing tables that would be perfect for us girls to do our makeup in as well as mirrors that covered the whole walls. 

"i can't believe we are actually staying in this hotel, its so beautiful! we are honestly going to have the best weekend ever" exclaimed aimee.

"i know i'm honestly so buzzing" dan said, agreeing with aimee's statement.

"because it's already 3pm should we just order a takeaway in and start getting ready after we've unpacked? maybe just get mcdonald's or something, nothing fancy." i asked my friends and they all agreed with me. 

hiii, sorry i know harry isn't in much of this either but just waittt he'll be making a big appearance soon :) i don't know how long to make my chapters so i've just stopped it there and next chapter will be them getting ready for the nighttt. idk what i'm saying tbh but i hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading x

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