[ 001 ]: pretty girls dig graves

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━━━ Chapter One: Pretty Girls Dig Graves

━━━ Chapter One: Pretty Girls Dig Graves

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If anyone knew true heartbreak, it was Quinn Gilbert.

Not to say that she was a heartbreaker, because she truly wasn't. Quinn may have had boys with crushes on her growing up that she probably broke their hearts due to not reciprocating it, but she was never a heartbreaker. She was just the one who always got her heart broken.

Sometimes, she was a little too soft to be as hard-edged as she was. All serrated edges and sharp words through an even sharper tongue, spitting fire unto anyone in her way, Quinn's insides were as soft as butter. She dripped with kindness, a compassion that was attempted to be hidden through layer upon layer of a facade of toughness. Too soft to those she was close with, too sharp to those she didn't know.

Heartbreak came in many forms, that she knew.

It could have been from a dead pet or a shitty boyfriend or a missed birthday, but heartbreak was heartbreak regardless of what form it came in. Heartbreak still hurt more than anything else in the world, that much Quinn knew better than anyone else.

However, she had never really felt true heartbreak. Sure, her soul might have been beaten down into shattered remains of the girl she formerly was by someone she trusted with everything, and she had been forced to watch the one person she might have felt some sort of non-familial love towards fall in love with someone else and string around a wave of girls, but she had not really felt true heartbreak until May 29, 2009.

It was the night where she lost a shred of her soul, and had been forced to grow up with the knowledge that she would never quite be the same girl she was. The night where she had fought with her sister, screaming so loud her vocal cords ran raw. The night where she promised the one boy she had truly loved that she would never forgive him for what he had done to her. It was also the night where she inadvertently killed her parents.

Heartbreak was real, it was raw, and it manifested in numerous forms.

Only Quinn Gilbert didn't know how hers would manifest until it was too late and her stomach was being pumped in the ER as paramedics tried to reverse the effects of an alcohol and cocaine induced overdose.

Except unlike most people who can pick themselves back up after getting their heart broken, sprouting wings like Icarus who flew too close to the sun, Quinn couldn't find a way to. Her heart was smashed like a vase, tiny shards of glass forever smashed into smithereens that would never quite be able to be pieced back together the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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