champagne problems.

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Was it so bad that she wanted more before she were to marry and mother children? Augusta had always been the wild spirit in her family ─ a more pleasant term for black sheep as her little town of Bloomfield coined her. Despite her love for writing and her rambunctious nature, the townspeople tolerated Augusta Woodbury because of her kind and noble father, the owner of the largest estate and farm in their town. 

A scandal plagued the family when the allegedly kind and noble father turned his attention to a younger and perkier woman. Augusta remembered that there was a storm both inside and outside their home that was occurring. Thunder rumbled in the night sky but that was no match to the rattling pleas of her mother for her father to not desert them. Augusta had to pry her mother away from the Woodbury patriarch's arms with their loyal butler leading a carriage to their new home ─ a two-bedroom house with floorboards that creaked, roofs that leaked, and three or four wobbly steps in the stairs. The remaining of the Woodbury family would have to make due with that they were dealt with. 

Even if Augusta had felt her whole world crumble, she just knew that she had to put her dreams of publishing a novel someday or even traveling on hold. Her mother was too miserable to support her two younger siblings, leaving Augusta to seek an occupation as a governess. Publishing or seeing the world was a champagne problem compared to keeping her family fed with roofs under their heads and warm clothes on their backs. 

Fortunately, a family had responded and ─ my oh my ─ Augusta had to deal with a lot more than what the Bridgertons paid her. 

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❝i care more to be thought highly of than to be loved by a scoundrel

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❝i care more to be thought highly
 of than to be loved by a scoundrel. ❞


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 ─ i'd like to thank you for listening to my rants about this story and for always saying the kindest words to me. i'm so happy we became friends. 

 ─ and, of course, the loveliest people that i found here. may you have all the sleep and laughter the world has to offer you

CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS [BRIDGERTON]Where stories live. Discover now