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𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞

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𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞

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The Bridgerton home was in perfect chaos on the day the eldest daughter was set to make her debut in society. After spending a year in the extravagant home, Augusta knew that the Bridgerton family was anything less than perfect even if they were running a bit late. Following closely behind the three sisters with a book in one hand, she smiled as she heard Eloise groan with Francesca complaining about her older sister's complaints; it reminded her of her own siblings who Augusta had yet to send a letter to. 

"I feel like a princess!" Hyacinth told Augusta as the young girl held tightly onto the governess's hand, peering up at her. "Do I look like one?"

Before Augusta could answer, Eloise spoke up. "Do you truly wish to know what I think you look like?"

"I was asking Miss Woodbury!" 

"Well, Miss Woodbury and I can practically read each other's thoughts!" 

"No you don ─ "

"On your left!" 

"Gregory, that was your right!" Augusta corrected the boy when she felt Hyacinth's hand slip away from hers as she went after her older brother. 

Eloise walked closer to Augusta, pouting. "Miss Woodbury, why can I not just stay behind with you?"

Augusta chuckled. "And do what, Eloise? Accompany me inside the library the whole day?"

"Yes! If it means nurturing my mind, then I shall lock the both of us up inside a dungeon of books!" 

"Is our dear sister still not ready?" Benedict Bridgerton asked as he and Colin approached them. 

While the siblings conversed, Augusta slipped away quietly and set herself on a chair right in front of the stairs where she could still hear their silly banter while simultaneously returning to the world of Arabella in the The Female Quixote. She had learned how to keep her appearance anything but extraordinary as the days she spent in Mayfair had turned into weeks and those weeks became months and eventually a year had gone by. Time seemed to nimble away when one spent their seconds doing the very same thing every day ─ teach about music and lady-like manners, read a book, write on her novel that was never to be seen in the light of day, and occasionally get vexed by Benedict. On weekends, she was lucky if she got to head to town to chat with her friends or check if the local library had any new books that had arrived. 

"Aggie, is that true?" Unfortunately, Augusta had grown accustomed at the revolting pet name Benedict had donned onto her from their first meeting as she had gotten exhausted of scowling at him every time he called her that.

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