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𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫, 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫.

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"Miss Woodbury!" A voice bellowed from the outside of her room accompanied by the sound of the collision of the perpetrator's knuckles on the bedroom door

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"Miss Woodbury!" A voice bellowed from the outside of her room accompanied by the sound of the collision of the perpetrator's knuckles on the bedroom door. "Miss Woodbury!" 

The governess grumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She was still tucked in bed which was surprising considering that she was a morning person. Augusta was sure she hadn't scheduled any lessons with the children today. 

Half-heartedly, Augusta rolled over and willed her body to get out of bed and stumble towards her bedroom door. The door was barely open as Eloise stomped in with a demeanor that showed she was in the middle of a dilemma. As the second Bridgerton daughter paced around the room, Augusta sat on her bed and simply watched until Eloise turned to her with wide eyes. 

"How does a woman come to be with child?" Eloise inquired as she stopped in front of her governess. 

"Hm." Augusta hummed, "Good morning to you too, Eloise." Nonchalantly, she stretched her arms up in the air, a yawn escaping her mouth. "What on Earth made you ask that question? Who is with child?"

". . .A maid." She answered and bit her lip. "I just knew that one does not need to even be married to have a child!" 

Augusta tried to school her expression into staying neutral. She had learned a lot of lessons by simply growing up in a farm (though she was unsure whether the Viscountess wanted to hear that she was giving her daughters a lesson about how children were brought into the world). It took all her strength not to lay it all out how everything came to be. 

"Out of all the people, Eloise, why would you ask me? Why not your mama?"

"Mama would not tell me." She sat down next to the governess. "And Benedict told me to ask you."

Shaking her head, Augusta rolled her eyes. "You must not listen to everything your brother tells you to do."

"I think he just wants you to get out of bed so he will have someone else to annoy." 

"Well, he certainly has succeeded."

Augusta stood up from the bed and gravitated towards her pile of clothes to mix and match for the day. The Viscountess Bridgerton had invited her for a promenade but Augusta had declined as she had plans with Siena and Genevieve.

Sighing, Augusta gathered her unruly hair into it's standard bun and picked out a one of her long, plain, grey skirts and a white buttoned blouse. She could still feel Eloise's curious gaze. When she turned to face the second Bridgerton daughter, the lady had her hands placed behind her back in a child-like manner.

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