Chapter 42

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Hello everyone! I present you another chapter of 'Right here, right now'. 

Last chapter I talked about how I had to recover from Liv on Fallon, but did everyone see the interview and performance in the Grammys Museum. I cried, so much, again. Liv is killing me! I can't handle all that talent! 

Anyways, I hope you like it! Please vote and comment and I hope you have an amazing day! 

Hugs and kisses!

Ricky's POV

I'm so nervous right now, I turn into Nini's driveway and take a deep breath before getting out of my car. I texted Kourtney before leaving my house, making sure Nini is ready and all good and left as soon as I got a reply. And now I'm here. In front of her door.

I've been here a million times before, but I've never been so nervous. I take another deep breath and knock. I know I have a key and I practically almost live there so that knocking is a little unnecessary, but it feels right for this occasion. After a while, the door opens, revealing momma D. She pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Hey there, Ricky. Come on in." she says. I do what she says and head inside. "Nini is in her room, she'll be down any second"

And when she says that, I hear Nini's bedroom door upstairs opening and I see Kourtney coming down the stairs.

"Treat her right" is the only thing she says, before heading out.

When I watch Kourtney leaving, Nini makes her way down the stairs in the cutest outfit ever. She's wearing this beautiful purplish turtleneck with a pair of ripped jeans. Her brown curls loosely hanging over her shoulders and her makeup accentuates her beautiful hazel eyes and her shining lips that I already want to kiss so bad. I'm absolutely speechless.

"Hi", is the only thing I manage to get out of my mouth.

"Hi", she softly says.

I take a deep breath before I start talking again. "Shall we go?", I ask. She nods quietly, with a cute smile on her face. I grab her hand and start walking towards the door.

"Have her home at 12, Ricky", Momma D says.

"Of course, momma D", I answer.

"Have fun, you two", she says.

"Love you, momma", Nini says, before we close the door behind us. We walk to our door and I open the door for her. Her smile widens and she gives me a quick peck on the cheek before getting in the car.

I close her door and head to the driver's seat. The ride was like any other ride with Nini. We're both singing our hearts out to all Taylor Swift songs until we arrive at my house. I park in my driveway and quickly get out of the car and walk fast to Nini's door to open it, before she can do it herself. She chuckles.

"Who knew Ricky Bowen could be such a gentleman?" she laughs.

"Only for you, Nina", I say sheepishly.

We walk together to the backyard and when Nini sees the whole construction and the things I had set up, she stops. She looks at it in awe, I even see her tearing up a little. She softly bites her lip and looks at me with her teary eyes

"You didn't have to do all this for me", she whispers.

"You deserve the world, Nini.", I say, while getting closer to her and giving her a kiss on her forehead. I grab her hand again and lead her to the pillows and blankets and we sit down together. "Do you want to drink something? I have rootbeer", I say with a teasing tone.

"That sounds perfect", she answers. I pull out a rootbeer for Nini and a lemonade for me and scoot back closer to her.

"So I've been thinking about which movie we could watch, but then I thought 'Nini's movie taste depends on her mood', so picking one was pretty hard. Do you have any preferences?", I ask her. She takes a pillow and throws it at me.

"You're making it sound like I'm moody. For your information, I'm in a pretty good mood.", she says laughing.

"Okay, then I think I have an idea." I say. I select the movie and watch it start to play on the projection screen. "Wait, we don't have our snacks yet", I suddenly and dramatically say. Nini starts laughing again.

"Sometimes, you're such a drama queen." She laughs.

"Neens, this is serious. You can't watch a movie without snacks and you know it!", I dramatically reply.

"You're right, you're right." She says, still having a hard time to stop laughing.

I get up and run inside, taking all the snacks I (well actually momma D) prepared and head outside to Nini again.

"Here we go", I say when I put all the snacks on the ground, all around us. There is popcorn, chips, brownies, pretzels, candy, carrot sticks (because I know Nini loves those), I even had my dad makes his famous nacho's (that's literally the only thing he can actually make that turns out to be edible). Nini looks at all the snacks with wide eyes.

"Now this date can really begin", I say and press play again. It doesn't take long for Nini to figure out which movie we're watching.

"High School Musical? I love it!", she exclaims.

"I had a feeling you would", I reply, before watching the movie again. During the movie, I feel Nini getting closer and closer, cuddling more and more. And I'm absolutely not complaining, because I'm doing the exact same thing.

Once 'Breaking Free' starts, I feel Nini starting to move away. I look at her and I see her standing in front of me, with her hand reaching out for me to grab it.

"Come on", she begs. I give in and start dancing and singing with her. We jump and twirl over the whole backyard, she looks like she's having the time of her life.

'You know the world can see us

In a way that's different than who we are'

When those lyrics play, I pull Nini closer to me and I rest my forehead against hers. I see her slowly closing her eyes, savouring the moment. I use the moment to place my lips on hers. Within the second, she starts kissing me back. She slowly pulls away, but still rests her forehead against mine.

"I love you", she whispers.

"I love you too, more than you can even imagine", I whisper back.

Right here, Right now ~ RINIWhere stories live. Discover now