Chapter 17

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Hope you enjoy chapter 17! Thank you for all the sweet comments, those mean a lot to me! 

Hugs and kisses!

Nini's POV

Ricky sits himself on the bathroom counter, making it easier for me to clean his face up. I hesitantly get between his legs, close enough for my breath to hitch a little. Luckily for me, Ricky doesn't notice.

I open the first aid kit and take a quick look at the things I have in there. I honestly have no clue what to do. I mean, I know the basics in theory, but it's not like I actually did any of this before.

I take a last quick look at Ricky and decide to start with his lip. I notice I'm staring at his lips and I close my eyes for a second, regaining my focus. I take some cloth out of the kit and wet it. Hesitantly, but gently, I dab the cloth on his bruised lip.

While I'm doing that I let my mind wander to the scene that just happened. Ricky just hit EJ. Ricky just got beaten up by EJ. Because of me. Because he stood up for me.

As much as I want to talk to Ricky, I keep myself from actually doing it. We both remain silent, while I do my job. But I guess Ricky doesn't like that, considering he's the first one to speak up.

"Nini, I know what you think, but that jerk got what he deserves", he says. I look up, but look down just as quick. I know he's right, but I don't know how to react to that. And even though EJ got what he deserved, Ricky still was the one getting hurt, because of me, again.

"Nini, come on", he tries again. I know I have to say something, but I can't.

"I-I", I try, but fail.

"Neens, if there is something you want to say, just say it. I promise I'm a big boy, I can take it.", he says with a joking undertone.

"I-", I begin again. Why is it so hard t o say what's on my mind? "Violence isn't going to fix anything", I say quietly.

"And now say what's really on your mind", Of course, he sees right through me.

""You shouldn't have done that, Ricky. Look at you, you're obviously going to get in trouble and for what? Because of me. Again", I sigh, finally telling him what's really bothering me.

"Neens, I don't care, I honestly don't give a sh*t about all the trouble I'm going to be in. Remember when I told you about my Nini-protection mode?", he replies.

I nod, I do remember. I remember that being the day that everything would go back to how it was. I remember being genuinely happy that day. I remember laughing when I asked Ricky about his Nini-protection mode.

"This was only a little preview, they ain't seen not"

"Ricky, please. You can't do this, you can't let yourself get hurt because of me.", I beg

"Nini, this is my decision and I decide that when someone wants to get to you, they would have to get through me first. There is nothing you can do or say to change my mind", he says determined.

I sigh, I know that he's stubborn. That's something he learned from me. I like to call it strong-willed. I used to think it's a good trait, but now I'm starting to doubt that. It's going to get him in trouble. But he has a point, I can't make him change his mind, it's his decision, his life.

I sigh and decide to let it go. I focus back to the cut on his lip, not wanting to look into his eyes again, but Ricky won't have it. He gently lifts my face with his finger, making me look into his eyes.

I know once I start staring in his eyes, I can drown in them. I won't even mind. I gaze into his beautiful brown eyes.

I don't even notice he leans in, until his eyes shift from my eyes to my lips. I catch myself looking at his lips too. It's been a while since our first kiss and I've wondered before if it would ever happen again.

I look in between his eyes to his lips, as he still gets closer. When the gap between us is almost closed, it is like my mind made a click back to reality and I back off a little.

"I can't", I whisper. "I don't want to hurt you"

"You won't, if anything, you will make me feel better", he whispers back, a little smile appearing.

That was the affirmation I needed. I waste no more time and smash my lips on his. 

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