Chapter 47

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Good morning everyone! 

Here is another chapter of 'Right here, right now'. I really hope you like it. For this chapter, I used one of Joshua's unreleased songs, he once posted on his Instagram. It's called Rest Easy and it's beautiful, just like the rest of his songs! He's an insane songwriter! 

Hugs and kisses! 

Ricky's POV

I'm worried about Nini. She hasn't really talked to me the whole day. I mean, we had some small talk, but other than that, nothing.

I walked her home, but she didn't invite me in. I guess she has lots of schoolwork, considering all the school she missed these last few weeks. I try not to worry too much and I will just call her tonight.

Until then I just have to keep myself busy. I'm not really in the mood for my schoolwork. Maybe I will try to write something. I start strumming a little on my guitar, but nothing comes to me. I have zero inspiration. I walk to my closet and take out the little keyboard Nini once got me for my birthday. I start dabbling a little, hoping that will spark up some ideas.

A little later, I got some chords I really like and start thinking of some lyrics. It didn't take me long to write a 'song'. I decide to record myself and sent it to Nini.

Nini's POV

I just got off the call with my therapist when I got a text from Ricky. I've been kinda distant with him today, so he must be worried. I hate that everything I do or don't do affects him. But I guess that's what a friendship or relationship or whatever you want to call it, does.

I look at the text to see what he has to say and see that he send me a video. Curious about what it could be, I immediately start it. I see Ricky sitting on his bed with the little keyboard I got him when we were little.

I remember I gave it to him because I got one for my birthday and I wanted him to be able to play as well, because I could see how much he liked it and how much talent he had when he played mine at my house.

My thoughts are interrupted by Ricky starting to play.

'You say you're sorry for crying in front of me, darling
I say I'm sorry that he made you feel that you should
I'll kiss your tears for as long as I'm here and they're falling
Your head on my shoulder, I'll write you a song 'til the morning

But you don't believe me
When I say
"Doll, I'm not leaving"
Don't you know I'm here to stay?

So rest easy
Rest easy
At least when you're with me
Rest easy'

By the end of his song, I'm in tears. I feel so guilty right now.

I quickly put on my shoes and coat, tell my moms I'm off to Ricky's and run to his house. I knock frantically on his front door, forgetting that I have a key of my own. I stop knocking the second the door opens and I see Ricky standing in front of me.

"Neens, what? You okay, come in-", I interrupt him with crashing my lips on his. This feels so right.

"You are the most amazing person in the whole world." I say, while tears are threatening to fall. He smiles adoringly at me and takes my hand to pull me inside, considering it's pretty cold outside. He leads me to the couch, I assume his dad isn't home. "Your song was beautiful"

"That means a lot coming from you", he says. "But if I remember correctly, I said 'rest easy', not 'run to my house like a maniac'

I chuckle. "I just had to see you" I say and I pause. "and I need to tell you something."

His smile fades and changes back to his worried face. "What is it?" he asks.

I take the little pink note I received earlier that day and hand it to him.

"No", he says, like he can't believe it. "No, please tell me this is a joke"

I sadly shake my head. "Nope", I say, popping the p. Ricky sighs.

"Why didn't you tell me right away?", he asks.

"I called Jill, I just wanted to talk about it with her, before I talked to you. Please don't be mad", I say, scared that he would be mad.

"I can't be mad at you. I'm glad you talked to someone, even if it isn't me. As long as you don't shut yourself down, I can't be mad.", he says

"I'm sorry." I say softly.

"What did Jill say?" he asks.

I tell him how I wasn't really bothered by the note, more like annoyed and how that feeling made me confused. I tell him how Jill thinks that this is the first step, not letting it get to me.

While I'm telling Ricky, he gets his hands through my hair, gently kissing my head every now and then. I feel so loved.

"I should probably get home", I say softly, half cuddled into Ricky's side on the couch.

"yeah", he whispers.

I slowly get up and give him a quick peck before leaving.

"Love you, Neens. Let me know when you're home safe.", I hear him say. I turn around to see him looking at me from the couch, with this adorable smile.

"Love you too, Bowen.", I reply and I head out.

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