Chapter 9

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Lana's P.O.V

It is now time for dinner. I didn't do anything after the shower I had this morning. The most eventful thing I did today so far was this morning when I made breakfast. The boys don't notice me much. I guess they aren't used to me being around for me to make a notable difference. Jonah seems to notice me sometimes but it's probably because he feels bad for me.  Though he has been really nice, I really appreciate him. He's a good brother. Wow, I can't believe I just said that. I have a brother! Well I actually have seven, but really so far it feels like I have one, maybe two. Sergio has be really nice but he seems to forget I exist sometimes but more than others he's a genuine guy. 

I'm currently making my way down stairs to the kitchen because it's 6 pm and no one is making a move on dinner so I decided I would make it. Luckily for me the kitchen is empty so I can make dinner without interruptions hopefully. I'm going to make some enchiladas, because they were my favourite to make.  And hopefully Matteo likes them too. Mabey he will even let me eat! That's not likely but it's worth a shot after this morning. 

*30 minutes later*

 I am just finished making the enchiladas and they are now in the oven baking. I set the table and decide to place a nice table cloth and flowers in the centre of the table too. I grab a vase and pick some flowers from the garden to place in the vase. I spent around 20 minutes sorting out the table and getting the perfect flowers. I get the plates down and place them around the the table but decide not to place one for myself as I'm not sure I will be eating yet. I know Sergio said not to do this again but it's I'm used to, I've never done anything else but serve my supposed mother and whatever friends she had over, I don't know anything else.  

*Beep beep, Beep beep, Bee-* 

I quickly turned of the beeps on the oven and took out the enchiladas before they burn. I put an extra layer of cheesy on top and put them back into the oven for another 2 minutes while I put the salad and mashed potatoes I had previously made onto plates and when I was done took back out the enchiladas and served them. As if on que the boys came stumbling into the kitchen, Leo being first he was wide eyed and looking for the food he obviously smelled from where ever he was. 

They all looked at me with awe and Leonardo went to grab a plate but I swatted his hand away. Instantly regretting it I moved away from the plates fearing for my life he would it me. Leo didn't seem t notice me and just grabbed a plat and waddled into the dining room that was attached to the kitchen by glass double doors. All the boys did the same thanking me as I stood there shaking. No one payed me attention until the end of the supposed line that had formed, Jonah looked at me and nearly smashing his plate by throwing down on the bench ran to my side if the bench and went to hug me but I wasn't expecting him to do so and I flinched away. I hate that I can't let him touch me without me making it awkward. He looked hurt but hugged me anyway. After a few minutes of us hugging he pulled away and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him and he left to get his food. I didn't quite see Matteo grab his food because he was second after Leonardo and I was still in a daze scared.  But he took the food none the less and at least he didn't make a smart comment. Jonah was about to go threw the double doors when he heard me cleaning up and not following, he turned around and asked me "Your not coming?" I shook my head and said "I make Matteo mad when I eat so until he says I can eat I'm not allowed to eat, that's how it works you know?" 

Jonah looked at me with pure confusion and said "That's not how it works here Bambina, if someone doesn't like the way you do something do it more. Now come on and eat some of this delicious food" I didn't like this situation because it was either pick Jonah and follow him or pick Matteo and stay here. Should I ruin what Jonah thinks of me for Matteo who may not even appreciate me not there or should I stick with Jonah and hope Matteo doesn't mind. 

Jonah takes my hand and pulls me in making the decision for me. I slowly walk in behind Jonah and hide behind him as we walk into the dining room. Matteo doesn't even notice my presence, for that matter no one does. I just sat down and watched everyone chat happily while munching on the food I made. This is what a family looks like, unfortunately I'm not apart of it, they don't need me. I'm a burned to them all, even Jonah. Especially him. He keeps removing himself for me,  they thought I was dead anyway right? And they seem fine to me, I ask to go to the bathroom and decide it's time. This has been long over due. I was supposed to die 14 years ago. And now all that's left is to fulfil my purpose. To die. 

The End


A/N: Ahaahah, that would be sad if I left it here. Not only would I have only done 9 chapters but that's a crap ending and also were only getting into the story so hang tight guys, I promise it will get better. Thanks for reading! 

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