Chapter 14

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None of us had questioned how he knew about this but I knew I was asking later. When we have saved Lana. We all followed Marcello down this dark tunnel, passage way thing. The deeper we went the more colder it got and the more you could feel a slight breeze. Meaning there was indeed an exit the other end of this tunnel which more than likely lead to somewhere outside our property. 

We followed Marcello for absolutely ages I thought he was crazy, well more crazy than usual. The breeze got stronger and colder the closer we got to the end and now we are standing in the middle of a woods. The passage way lead to this moss and vine covered doors, kind of like an opening to a bunker that you see in movies. 

Now all standing there we waited for Marcello to lead us somewhere but he wasn't even moving. He stood there whistling and kicking around leaves and sticks from under his feet. I could see Sergio getting frustrated and if I'm honest so am I, and probably everyone else too. Finally reaching his tipping point he says "Marcello?! Goddamit where are we and how do we get out of this forest?" I had to stop myself from screaming too. Knowing it would only make Marcello cry and everyone more frustrated than before I didn't but I for sure was in my head. 

Marcello looked confused and said "Why me? I just got us out you didn't say anything about getting out of the forest, just the house. And here we are out of the house!" I swear this guy. He always keeps a little bit of information fucking things up. Ok that was harsh but on more than one occasion he has fucked up a 'mission' as Sergio calls them by not telling us something. Like when he gave us the ok to go into a building, but said "You can get in the door now" We all took that as it's safe to enter. No it meant that they weren't leaning on it but were still guarding it. Now I have a little souvenir to remind me of his stupidity, a bullet scar on my right shoulder.

Taking a minute to calm himself Sergio continues "Marcello, are you saying we are lost in the middle of a forest and that the only way we know of right now to get back is those doors?" Marcello nodded and continued to shuffle around unbothered. 

I could see Sergio about to snap so been as he was standing beside me I shoved Donatello's shoulder making his look at me annoyed I shoved him, I mouthed for him to help Sergio and not let him scream at Marcello. Donatello has always been the softer of the two. Honestly after Mom died and Dad became an alcoholic and drug addict the two of them, Sergio and Donatello, became like our substitute parents. 

Sergio was 100% the dad figure and well Donatello was like a mom substitute. It's odd I know to refer to a respected and high in power Mob man as a mother but he was. If he likes it or not. We all know it but never say it.  I'm actually proud to say that I am a Romero, despite all we do and all that's happened I'm proud to be in this family. 

Sergio did a lot of work to keep us afloat when we were young and he sacrificed a lot for us. Like he couldn't be a careless teenager everyone else was at his age and go out drinking have one night stands etc. He had 6 younger brothers at home he needed to feed, clothe and make sure we had running water and electricity all while paying for all of our school supplies, actual school, day care for me and the twins the mortgage on this house and keep his grades and attendance up in school. Everything you can think of  he had to pay for, all by himself. Dad had spent all our money on drugs and alcohol that Sergio had to work 3 jobs and with that we barely made it. So yes I am thankful for him and proud to call him my brother.

Donatello stepped up only being a year younger than Sergio he was like a stay at home mother for us. Sergio brought in the money while Donatello stayed at home with us and kept us happy. We didn't have much after Mom and Dad died but we made it and the effort Sergio and Donatello put in to keep us safe and healthy is something I will always look up to them for. I just know they will make great husbands and dad's one day. 

So getting back to life, we are now all standing here seething at Marcello for withholding the fact that he didn't know a way out of the forest. Sergio and Donatello walked a bit away from us to talk about I'm guessing our current situation. The rest of us sat down where we were on tree stumps or the ground depending on what was near us. 

After what felt like years Sergio and Donatello turned back around to us and walked back over. Sergio said "Right guys! We all took that stupid class of how to survive a week in the wild with nothing. Who actually payed attention in that boring class?" I laughed silently in my head knowing neither of those two did. I know I didn't but maybe one of the twins or Lorenzo or Leonardo did because otherwise we may as well climb back down that door and walk back. 

We all paused and looked at each other hoping the others did, and to our great avail Leonardo had listened. I should have known he was always a bit nerdy. Thank you Leo for being a total and utter NERD! 

Hello my lovelies! Sorry I took a little break from writing for a little bit. I needed a bit of time to get new ideas because I was starting to drag the chapters out and basically nothing happen in them. 

Here is the latest chapter and I hope ye all continue to read my book! 

Happy reading!

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