Chapter 13

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Jonah's P.O.V

NO! We will take care of this, don't send any of your low life friends into her. She doesn't need or want your friends near her so keep them away. Now if you will excuse me I have to get out of this god forbidden house.

With that I slammed down the phone and that's when I noticed someone standing behind me in the door way. It was every single one of my brothers. Standing  there looking at me with a mix of anger, sadness and confusion. Well I'm in the shit now. 

Never not once have I ever seen Sergio with so much anger in his eyes before. Usually his exterior expression is emotionless but if you truly know his you could see the anger in his eyes. When I say know his I'm not talking college or girlfriend I am talking married for 20 years or brother kind of know him but this time. Anger is written all over his face. He looks furious and it's kind of scary to see him this angry. 

We all stayed like this for a minuet or two, just staring at each other waiting for the other to make a move. Sergio being the Father Figure he is said "Care to share your knew found information brother?" I physically gulped and replied "Well, you se, it's a funny story actual-"  I was cut of my bull shit excuse by Donatello shouting "Goddamit Jonah stop bull shitting us and just say what the hell you found out. And don't even think of lying to save your ass because all our calls are recorded and we have security camera's everywhere. If you don't tell us we will find out anyway." 

God they always suck the fun outta things huh. Anyway here it goes "Fine wanna know? I'll tell you. Lana is in a private hospital that we can't hack into the system of and we don't know where this hospital is or even if the man is lying. Also he wanted to send his 'friends' to 'check on her' because his stupid ass got himself imprisoned due to as he called Prior Problems. Honestly I think he took her and is the real problem here." 

They all stared at me wide eyed, well all except Sergio of course. He still had his normal face of stone. 

"And you all heard my response to him saying he'd send a friend."

Matteo: "Jonah this is all awful news we know but what exactly do you want us to do? We can't get out of the house without being shot or shot at at least."  

Marcello: "Well I may know a way out." 

We all turned to him and Sergio said "What?! How long have you known this way out?" 

Marcello looked like he was about to cry but I know he knew better than to cry in front of Sergio and Donatello. He whispered "3 weeks." 

I as well as everyone else looked at him in shock. How has he kept this from us. I decided to ask "Have you left the house while we were all in here trying to find a way out?" He shook his head no but it just confused me more. How did he know of this exit and not use it or at least share his knowledge. 

Confused as ever I followed Marcello into a deep part of the dungeon that is under our house. It's an underground holding cell place rather than dungeon. It's for short term use and hasn't been used in about 5 years. 

We all kept walking until we were at the last cell, the one the furthest away from exit, and the house. Marcello skipped into it as if it were Disney land and none of us followed him until he stopped and turned to us confused. He just said "Guys come on, it's just through here."  he said pointing to the brick wall. We were all still confused until Marcello shrugged his shoulders and counted 5 bricks from the right wall and 5 up when he pushed on that brick and it went into the wall and proceeded to open up a passage in the wall. 

None of us had questioned how he knew about this but I knew I was asking later. When we have saved Lana.  We all followed Marcello down this dark tunnel, passage way thing. The deeper we went the more colder it got and the more you could feel a slight breeze. Meaning there was indeed an exit the other end of this tunnel which more than likely lead to somewhere outside our property. 


A/N: Heyyy guys, sorry for the short chapter but I've been struggling for ideas lately and this is all I could write. I will try and update soon but please be patient with me.

I think it would be fun if we could play a little game. Everyone try and guess my age! When someone gets it right, or close by one or two years I will either comment the answer or put an author note at the end/start of another chapter. Have fun guessing! 

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