IMPORTANT updates about book two

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hello! im so sorry to publish this out of the blue—but i just can't contain my excitement for all the good news and good things i have coming up for us!

first things first, here's some pretty art to show you guys how much ive improved

first things first, here's some pretty art to show you guys how much ive improved

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Chase Adrian Angelo the Third

Chase Adrian Angelo the Third~

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Art Mendoza

Shade Flaurante~

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Shade Flaurante

ok! second thing on our list: i have a release date for book 2!

third, this is a new title reveal since i scrapped the old one hehe.













The Redemancy of Shade and Art
April 6, 2021





The Sixth out of Eighteen (And Counting)

December 9, 2018

To my dearly infuriating Art,

I should really stop writing to you. (But, at this point, I can't seem to stop.) (You follow my private twt after all. Where else am I supposed to cry?)

It's... embarrassing. More than embarrassing. I have a hidden folder in my laptop with six letters addressed to you. I wrote one for retreat. And then I wrote another one after ninth grade retreat, when I couldn't help but... think... of the way you breathed steadily, held me close, massaged my head. And the ache in my chest when I had to disentangle myself from your embrace when I really didn't want to.

There were other days I wrote to you, too. There were mundane days filled with the tiny, precious details of your wonder that only I noticed sometimes. For example, well, I wrote my third letter after you smiled at me on a boring Thursday. And then I wrote my fourth letter when you danced in the auditorium and I couldn't stop thinking of the way you moved, the way your body smiled. I wrote my fifth letter on a sadder day, when my Dad was being a drunk asshole but you cheered me up by joking with me and listening to all the messy words in my head.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I don't know what to do with myself.

I guess... let me tell you what's going on right now.

It's the ninth of December. I am sixteen. And I am also watching you sleep. (Kind of creepy, kind of not.) I am eating my banofee cake—uh—sandwich and playing Dominic Fike. You are so peaceful in the morning. And so caring in the night. And I can't help but think about how you are all the things I would ever want and more.


Putang ina. Fuck.

The morning light is gentle on your face. You hold your pillow close. You breathe steadily, calmly, and I cannot ignore the orchestra of thoughts in my head that scream:

You are so, so, so beautiful.

You are beyond beautiful, my Art Mendoza.

I am floored every time I look you in the eye. Every time you smile at me. Every time you giggle in the middle of a joke and turn to look at me. It blows me away, and there is nothing left for me to do but... but to...

I don't know what to do, actually.

I see the roses I bought for you. Proudly displayed on your desk.

I wonder what you think of them.

I wonder if you know how I feel.

And I wonder what you might do with that knowledge. Or if I will ever tell you. If I will ever have the courage to.

Whatever... this is.

In my chest.

In my hands.

In my head.

In the very fiber of my being—

That aches for you.

Always Yours, until the end of time, until the stars crash,
Shade Flaurante






i would love to know what you guys think of this small excerpt! i'm so excited to interact and talk with u guys this coming april!! aaaaa i hope to you see all again very, very, very soon ❤️

as always, feedback is more than appreciated. i wish all of you the best of days, and i will see you all again very soon ❤️

(if anyone wants to stay in touch, i'm on IG and TWT as @shadeandart)


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