I stared at her. She looked so different. I’m pretty sure that the girl standing in front of me was not the girl I once loved. Everything about her had changed. Her hair, her style, her attitude, her habits, and I didn’t like it one bit. I didn’t want her raising my children like this.
“Cher, you’ve changed so much.” I muttered to her, avoiding eye contact.
“It’s called getting a fresh start, Justin. But you should know, you’ve done the same too.” Cher snapped harshly at me.
“If you think I’m just using Isabella to forget about you or to make you jealous, then you’re wrong. It’s not like that.”
“Oh really? Because it sure seems like that to me.”
“No, Cher, you’re wrong. I love Isabella. She’s good for me.”
“What, and I wasn’t?”
“No, you weren’t, Cher. I’m not saying that I never loved you, because I’d be lying if I said that. You just wasn’t the right girl for me. I know I should’ve ended things with you a lot earlier than I did, you screwed me over so much Cher. I felt like I couldn’t trust you anymore. But every time I looked at you, I ended up falling in love with you even more. I don’t know what it was, Cher, but there was something about you that made you irresistible to me. But not anymore. I feel like I don’t even know you now.”
“No, Justin. I’m not the one who has changed for the worst. It’s you. You’re the one who had changed into the person you swore you’d never be.”
“I haven’t changed. I am and I have everything I could’ve ever wished for. You’re just slowly killing yourself off. Drug addictions? Drinking masses of alcohol every single night, getting wasted just for the sake of it? And I know your relationship with Selena really wasn’t what you expected it to be nor was it perfect, but to start self-harming just because you’re a little bit miserable? You’re a role model to millions of young girls now, and what sort of example are you setting to Esme, Amberlee and Austen? With what you’re doing, you’re just suggesting to every child out there that it’s perfectly acceptable for them to do it themselves, and guess what, it’s not fine for them to harm themselves because you do. You might be killing yourself off but I’m not going to let you do that to all the innocent, young children. You need to sort yourself out, and I’m going to help you, so our kids can grow up with a respectable Mom, not the one they have right now. Which is why I have applied for a court case to have full custody of our children, and I’m going to seek some medical help for you, before you end up dead.”
Don't Forget Me (Sequel to Gone Forever)
Fanfiction"These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder Which, as they kiss, consume" - Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI Cher's and Justin's relationship was never perfect. And now they have gone their separate way...