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OPHELIA sat down at the table with her food, looking around for Tommy. She noticed him in the line for sandwiches and sighed. The girl began to eat her food, not bothering to wait for him.

It wasn't long before the boy sat himself across from her, exclaiming, "Oph-e-li-a!"

"What's up, Innit?" She laughed with the same energy. They slapped hands together, turning it into a firm grip and then a butterfly effect— their handshake.

It had become very regular for the two to sit together. Their greetings always seemed to go the same.

Tommy opened his water bottle. "Not much, you?" He smiled. The girl shrugged. "You're quite boring, you know."

"Ooh! Ouch! I'm hurt!" Ophelia teased, over-dramatically flailing her arms to cover her heart. She broke the act quickly and gained her composure. "I'm not boring."

"Eh whatever. What are you doing later?" Tommy retried. The girl sent him a flat expression.

"Like... after lunch?"

"No. What are you doing over the weekend?" He asked with his mouth full.

It's not like Ophelia had to think about her answer. It was always the same. "Nothing much," She motioned, picking up a packet of ketchup.

"Nothing at all?" He asked, still chewing. The girl rolled her eyes.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," She began. "No, I don't have any plans."

"That's pretty fucking boring if you ask me," Tommy replied after swallowing his food. He wiped at the sides of his mouth.

"Well then why don't I come over?" She offered, avoiding his eye contact. The girl could tell that the question took him off guard without looking at him. The boy cleared his throat.

"Sure. I gotta ask my parents, though," He stammered. There was a small spark of joy in Ophelia's chest.

The girl nodded. "Cool."

The two continued to eat their food, keeping a bright conversation with a mixture of fairly interesting and strange topics at hand. On multiple occasions, Tommy was found yelling at Ophelia. The girl only retaliated with glares and name calling.

The girl checked her phone to find that their time together was almost up. She decided not to mention it.

"I really don't want to go to my next class," Tommy groaned, adjusting his posture. Ophelia nodded in agreement.

The warning bell rang and both let out a dissatisfied sign. "I'll see you around," She mumbled, grabbing her bag as she stood up. Tommy agreed with her statement, collecting his things.

The girl began to walk away, waving slightly with her back to the boy.

Tommy zipped up his bag, standing up and slinging it over his shoulder. As he stood, he noticed a small shine where Ophelia was seated.

A small, dainty ring sat on the chair.

In a rush, he grabbed it and turned to the direction she had headed. It took him a moment to see that she had been stopped at the door.

Two other guys were standing beside her, nearly covering her. One was about the same height as Tommy, but the other seemed to be quite a bit shorter. Both were still much taller than the girl.

Tommy lightly jogged over to the scene. "Hey Ophelia!" He shouted as he neared. The two boys turned to him with stone faces.

There was a quick expression of shock, anger, and fear that shot through the Ophelia's face. "Tommy!" She awkwardly laughed, sighing at the end of her brief sentence.

The boy held out his hand, revealing the ring. Her face lightened as she gently took it from him. "Who are you guys?" Tommy asked.

The shorter spoke up. "We're just her partners for a project," He smiled. His voice didn't seem to match the way he looked at all. It was deep, gruffy, and almost arrogant.

Ophelia nodded at the statement. "Yep! Thanks for returning my ring," She quickly said with a tight gesture across her face. Tommy nodded, giving a weak two finger salute and walking off.

[𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙠𝙚𝙮]

blonde kid from lunch
your group partners seem like assholes

space monkey
they are
sorry about that.

word count: 694

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