Falling like the stars

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Tiana ❤️

"And I need you to know that we're fallin' so fast
We're fallin' like the stars, fallin' in love
And I'm not scared to say those words with you, I'm safe
We're fallin' like the stars, we're fallin' in love"


Fitz noticed a difference in Biana. She didn't tease him anymore, she put even more effort into her appearance, and she was always smiling, humming, and giggling.

He had no idea what was wrong with her.

Quickly, he had the thought to call Sophie. She was a girl, so she's know what it was.

He picked up his imparter, and dialed her number. She picked up a few seconds later.


"Hey Sophie. I need you to clear some things up for me. Biana has been acting weird! She's always giggling, humming, dancing, and dressing up more than usual! What's wrong with her?" Fitz spoke so fast, all the words came out in one breath.

Instead of responding immediately, Sophie couldn't stop laughing. Her cheeks were flushed when she stopped, and she wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"What?!" Fitz asked.

"You honestly don't know?! Obviously, she has a crush! I wonder who it is! Gotta go, imma call Biana."

Before Fitz had the chance to say something, Sophie had already ended the call.


"Hello?" Biana's sweet voice rang throughout Sophie's bedroom as she answers her call.

"Biana! Fitz told me you've been humming, dancing, dressing up... Is there anything you want to tell me? Or should I say, anyone you want to tell me about?"

Biana's cheeks flame, and she looks around embarrassed.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But I'm going to your house. You never know who's listening in this house, like my brother." Biana smiles and then ends the call.

A few minutes later, the doorbell to Havenfield rings loudly. Sophie races down the stairs and let's Biana in with record speed. As Biana comes inside, Sophie all but drags her upstairs.

"Tell me everything!! Who is it?!" Sophie practically screams, making Biana smile at her friends enthusiasm.

"Okay. It's Tam." Biana replies with a dreaming look in her eyes.

"Tam?! THE Tam song?" Sophie smiles wide, and Biana giggles softly.

In a quick second, Biana becomes serious.

"Do you think he likes me too?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't he?! You're pretty, sweet, humble, and just plain out amazing!"

Biana blushes, and looks down at her fidgeting hands.

"I have an idea," Sophie says after a minute of comfortable silence. "Why don't you dress up and ask him out!"

Biana a eyes grow wide at the thought of asking Tam on a date.

"What if he says no? What if I can't handle that type of rejection?!" Biana's breathing quickens, and she looks to be on the verge of a serious melt down.

"Calm down, B! It'll be fine! He won't say no, especially with you all dressed up."

"Fine. I'll do it." Biana's eyes shine with determination.

After about an hour and a half, Biana twirled in her new look. She curled her long, dark hair, and dressed in a beautiful pale yellow sun dress. Her natural makeup glimmers in the soft illuminated lights of Sophie's bedroom. She was gorgeous.

"Okay, now go ask him! Tell me what he says after!" Sophie smiles at her friend, and shoos her out.

While Biana left Havenfield, she couldn't help but smile. She somehow knew that at that moment, everything would be okay. Tam was her other half. They were just meant to be. She really did fall like the stars.


Oh. My. Gosh. I haven't updated in so long!! I'm so sorry! I don't even know what to say of myself. I don't have a lot of inspiration, and a lot of times I hate having to make time in my schedule for writing. I promise though, that I'm trying to be better.

Hopefully, I'll find inspiration, and I'll update more often. Until then, please forgive the non-constant updates.

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