Finding Out

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Exam days, some of the worst days of the year. As I struggled to wake up and get out of bed, my mom yelled from downstairs that it was time for breakfast. I got dressed and ran downstairs to the smell of waffles..

"MMM, smells amazing," I said.

"Thanks, Avanni, I'm tried my best," she responded, giving me some waffles.

"Don't worry about it, they are always amazing," I said, gobbling up my food.

"Thank you, now hurry up you don't want to be late for school today," she said while putting ingredients away.

I finish eating my food & went outside to get in my car, that I was finally able to buy, with my own money, it was a new white Jeep.

I got in the car and went to go pick up my friends, Rishi, Seph, and

Mariano, when we got to school we went our separate ways, by the end of the day, we all had the same class together, History. We got inside and sat down, I sat next to Rishi and Mariano sat next to Seph.

"Settle down class," said Mrs. Derlin, "for this next project you will be researching Greek Mythology, but will mostly be focused on the Greek Gods. You will pick a god/goddess and make a presentation about them, this will be due next week on Thursday. When you have decided, please tell me because there is only one god/goddess for a person. Class dismissed," Mrs. Derlin finished.

"Mrs. Derlin," I said, "Can I have Apollo?"

"Yes, you can Avanni," Mrs. Derlin said.

"Thank you," I said, as I was walking out the door.

I waited outside for my friends and afterward went to the library to find books on our gods or goddesses. When we got there I asked everyone who they chose for their project.

"I chose Athena for her wisdom and her courage in war," Rishi said.

"Yeah cause you're so courageous and smart," Seph said ruffing up Rishi's hair.

"HEY!," Rishi complained, "Fine, who did you chose Weirdo."

"I chose Hades, the God of Death," Seph bosted

"That suits you perfectly, you'll kill every girl that comes near you," Rishi said, sarcastically.

"Yeah with my looks," Seph exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh," Mariano said facepalming.

"Who did you chose Mariano?" I asked.

"I chose Ares, he is the God of War," Mariano said.

"Could he be any better?" I whispered to Rishi.

"Probably," she whispered back.

Rishi was the only person who knew about my crush on Mariano, he always had his hair off to one side and always had his brown leather jacket, wherever he went.

"Ok well it's getting and we should probably head home. Avanni, you are driving us," Seph said, as he was walking out the door.

"Come on, let's go out to the car and go home," Mariano said, as he took my hand and took me out to the car, blushing.

We got into the car and I drove everyone home, I say goodbye and headed home. When I got inside, I smelled the most delicious food ever, cauliflower tacos.

"Hey, I'm home," I shouted, putting my stuff away.

"Good, I made you your favorite dinner," my mom said.

"I know I could smell it from the garage," I said, heading to the dining room.

I sat down and served myself some tacos, they were definitely a little spicy, but I liked the spice because it gave the tacos more flavor. After eating, I went downstairs and got some ice cream while my dad set up the projector for the movie, when we finished I went upstairs fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up and ran downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs, I gobbled up my food. I went back upstairs and got ready to go to school. I grabbed my stuff and zipped out the door, picked up my friends and went to school, today we P.E. so we all headed to the gym. Today, luckily, were playing ultimate football, which was a sport I was actually good at. When the teams split, I was happy to be on the same team as Mariano, who was the football captain at Rose Fields Highschool. When class was over we all headed over to the library and noticed a new bookshelf was put in.

"Guys look, this book is called Everything About Greek Mythology," Seph whispered.

"Well then let's take a look shall we," Rishi said, as she went to grab the book.

The book leaned back but didn't come out of the bookshelf, then there was a click, and the bookcase swung open and inside was stairs spiraling down into a room.

Mariano paused, "Let's go take a look."

"Yeah, it looks cool," Seph said.

As we started walking down the staircase the bookcase closed behind us and a bunch of torches lit our way down.

"Greaaat, now we're stuck down here," Rishi groaned.

"At least I'm stuck down here with you," Seph joked.

"Shut up, Weirdo," Rishi hissed.

When the stairs ended it opened up into a big room with lots of shelves that had books on greek mythology. In the center of the room, there was a big beautiful amber pine round table. Then suddenly a bright light and then on the table were four books, each of them had our names on them.

"Why do they have our names on them?" Rishi asked.

"Who knows," Seph shrugged, "let's open them."

"How about we don't," Mariano said, "we dont know why they have our names on them."

"Ok, scaredy-cat," Seph exclaimed, "I'm going to go open my book."

He walks over to his book and opened it when he did there was a blinding light and then it faded, and there was a woman's voice.

"Seph, Son of Hades," the book said.

"No thanks, that's weird," Seph yelped. He tried to close the book but it wouldn't shut.

"This has to be a prank," Rishi nervously laughed, "haha, very funny whoever you are."

"I don't think it is," I said, "come on let's go take a look."

We all walk over to our books and open them carefully, the same thing that happened to Seph's book happened to ours.

"Avanni, Daughter of Apollo."

"Mariano, Son of Ares."

"Rishi, Daughter of Athena."

"WHAT. THE. HECK.," Seph yelled.

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