The Truth and The Dream

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All the voices came together a created a hologram, that looked like Iris, Goddess of messages.

"We know this may come as a shock to you but it is all true, you are all demigods. Zeus didn't want to have demigods on Olympus because he was worried that their powers would grow out of control, so he convinced your godly parents to send you to earth for your safety, while he built you a school for you to learn about your powers and control them. Since you are reading this it means that your godly parents sent you this message to tell you that the Demigod School is finally finished, so start packing for your trip to Olympus, because your godly parents will pick you tomorrow morning." The voice finished and the books close and disappear spooking us, we stare at each other in awe wondering what to do next.

"Um, so now what?" Mariano asked.

"I think we should go talk to our 'parents' if this all true," Seph said.

"I guess that makes sense," Rishi said, "besides it's getting late anyway so let's go home and ask our parents about this."

"Ok then, let's get out of this place, it gives me the creeps," I said

We got out of the weird basement cave thing and the bookshelf disappears. Outside we got into the car and drove everyone home, after that, I go home and park in our garage and go inside.

"Hey mom, I'm home," I said putting my stuff away.

"I'm in the living room," she responded, "when you are done can you come in here I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah," I walked into the living room to see my mom sitting on the couch, with some apple cider on the table. "What is it?" I asked as I sat down.

"I need to tell you something, that I kept from you," she said.

"Wait let me guess, I'm a demigod and my real father's name is Apollo, the god of the sun, archery, medicine, prophecy, music, and poetry," I said taking a drink of warm apple cider.

"Umm, yeah, how did you know?" she said, in awe.

"Why would you care liar," I screamed, "You don't even know what this feels like, I WAS ABANDONED BY MY OWN FATHER!"

I had started to cry and I sat back down on the couch and my "mom" enveloped me in a hug. I really didn't care anymore, if she was my mom or not she was always there for me, she still had a special place in my heart, and always would.

"Well, I guess I better start packing up, he's gonna be here tomorrow," I said getting up wiping my tears off my face.

"Hey," my alleged mom said, "it's going to be ok."
"What should I call you now," I said

"You can call by name, Diana," she smiled.

"So then Henry isn't my real dad?" I asked

"No, he is not," Diana said

"Ok, well I'm going to go pack for tomorrow," I said, walking upstairs.

When I got to my room I grabbed the biggest suitcase I could find and started packing. When I finished I went downstairs with my stuff and put it all by the door, Diana was making dinner while my alleged dad, Henry, was sitting on the couch.

"You going somewhere?" He asked, pointing to my bags.

"I am going to be reunited with my dad, Apollo," I beamed.

"Oh, how did you find out?"

"Long story,"

"Can I call you Henry, since you aren't my real dad?"

"Sure. But how do you know I am not your real father?"

"She asked and I told her," Diana said, in the kitchen, "by the way dinner is ready, I made steak."

We ate dinner, then we had ice cream and watched Smokey and the Bandit. When the movie was over, I headed off to bed excited for tomorrow, as I dozed off I had the weirdest dream ever.

I was in what looked like a school cafeteria, there was a banner hanging that said welcome.

	I was on a balcony, and when I looked down there were bodies lying everywhere

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I was on a balcony, and when I looked down there were bodies lying everywhere. I ran downstairs and I put my hands over my mouth and gasped, these were the bodies of the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

"Who would do such a thing?" I asked myself, sobbing.

"That would be me, little one," a voice behind me said.

I turned around to see a tall man, who had red skin, and he was wearing a black tuxedo with fancy black shoes. When he smiled he had fangs for teeth.

"Who are you?" I fearfully asked.

"Well, little one, I am Kronos, Titan of time," he bowed.

"I read about you in one of my books, you ate your children until your youngest, Zeus, made you threw them up," I yelped, backing away.

"Yes, and since they are my children I am the only one who can kill them," he said.

"Ok, but why did you kill them?" I asked.

"Well, that's something you'll never figure out," he yelled, charging at me with a gold sword.

Right as he was about to kill me, I woke up to Diana sitting on my bed, with a worried look on her face.

"Is everything ok?" Diana asked.

"Yeah, just a bad dream," I said, holding my head.

"Ok, well go back to sleep Avanni, it's only 1 o'clock," Diana said, leaving the room.

I looked at my clock and sure enough, it was 1 o'clock, so I decided to go back to bed and fell asleep really quickly. 

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