Demigod School

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When we got downstairs we looked for Mariano and Seph, as we did I bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I said.

I looked up to see a guy about 5'11'' with rough black hair, sea-green eyes, a blue hoodie, blue pants, and black running shoes.

"It's ok... ," he paused

"Avanni, Daughter of Apollo,"

"Zale, Son of Poseidon," he said with a bow.

"Maybe I'll see you later, Zale," I smiled and walked off with Rishi.

We finally found Mariano and Seph over by the DJ booth requesting a song.

"What did you pick?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, Mariano said, with a smile.

"And it turns out that the DJ is Storm, the guy that was reading on the roof," Seph said.

"Well, the songs he picks are very good ones," Rishi said, dancing on the dancefloor.

"Hahaha," I giggled.

"Hey, my song is up next," Mariano smiled at me.

I was confused at first then when it started to play I recognized it easily.

"No. You. Didn't.," I exclaimed.

"Yes. I. Did.," Mariano exclaimed.

Mariano had chosen the song that we made a choreography to about a year ago that we both loved.

We went out to the dance floor and ended up in the middle of a mosh pit, we were both in sync, and everyone was cheering, when the song was over we went over and got some punch from the food table because it took a lot out of us.

"Good job out there," a familiar voice said.

I turn around to see Zale smiling at me, and then he looks at Mariano confused.

"Oh sorry," I said, setting my drink down, "Mariano this is Zale, Zale this is Mariano."

"Nice to meet you," Zale said.

"You too," Mariano said.

As I go over to talk to Rishi, Zale pulls Mariano over to the side.

"So Mariano," Zale said, "are you and Avanni, like, dating?"

"No, we are just friends. Why?" Mariano asked

"I want to take her out," Zale said

"Oh, yeah sure, that's fine," Mariano said, wistfully.

Meanwhile, I was talking to Rishi about what school might be like, on Olympus.

"You know what I just realized," Rishi said.

"What?" I asked.

"There are only 12 demigods, and the school is HUGE."

"Yeah, that is kinda weird."

"You know what's kinda funny."


"We left school to go to school."

"Yeah, I guess that is kinda funny."

"Hey, that guy that you bumped into is coming over here," Rishi said, turning around.

"Hey, Avanni."

"Oh, hey Zale."

"Do you want to go to the welcoming party with me?"

"Sure, but––."

"But what."

"Nevermind, it's nothing."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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