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When I woke up I got dressed and ready to go meet my father, I decided to wear my orange shirt with a black pegasus on it, combat boots, and black jeans. As I was heading downstairs I heard Diana talking to someone so I decided to hide behind the kitchen counter. She was talking to a man with short blonde hair, a white toga, a gold bow and a gold quiver filled with arrows, a white raven on his shoulders, and gladiator boots.

"Wow, he looks cool" I whispered.

As I snuck forward, I knocked over a can and it hit the ground, they stopped talking and looked over to see me sitting on the floor trying to hide.

"Is this who I think it is?" the man asked.

"Yes, it's her," Diana smiled.

"WOW, she's all grown up, you look so very different now, my child" he exclaimed.

"WAIT," I gasped, "you're my dad, Apollo."

"That would be me."

"It's so nice to finally meet you."

"I'm glad to finally meet you too. Are you ready to go?"

"Almost, I just want to say goodbye to Diana first."

"Ok, I will see you outside then."

As he went out the door with my stuff, I turned around to talk to Diana. "I am going to miss so much Diana, you have been an amazing person my whole life, I will always remember you because you have a special place in my heart," I said giving her a big hug.

"I am going to miss you so much, sweetheart. Have a safe trip, and don't worry about the high school, everything is worked out. Be careful around Zeus, ok, he is a bit, short-tempered," Diana gave me a kiss on the head and walked me out the door.

As I got outside I saw everyone else with their godly parents, Athena, Ares, and Hades. Athena was wearing a white toga, gladiator sandals, and a gold laurel crown with a spear in hand. Ares was wearing a black biker leather jacket, a red shirt, black pants, biker boots, a spear in his hand, and sunglasses. Hades was wearing a black toga with black gladiator sandals and a black skull crown.

"Ok, everyone we must stand together so we can transport ourselves to Olympus," Athena said, firmly.

"Like teleportation!" Seph exclaimed.

"Sure, lets go with that," Athena said, irratated.

We all gathered together, and there was a shimmering light that got so bright that I had to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes we were in a garden filled with roses, tulips, and all kinds of other flowers and a beautiful waterfall coming down from a cliff.

"Is this Olympus?" I asked.

"Yes, we are in the Olympian gardens," Ares grumbled, "We better hurry if we want to get to Zeus's temple in time."

"Let's call the chariots," Apollo said. The chariots came down from the sky, being pulled by pegasi.

As we were flying I noticed that each chariot was made differently. My dad's chariot was gold and had gold reins for the pegasi, there was a beautifully painted sun on the front. Athena's was white with owls flying around and lots of olive trees and Medusa's head on the front. Ares had a red chariot with spears and a vulture on the front, and well Hades had a black chariot with flames all over it and the three-headed dog, Cerberus, who protects the underworld. As we started to head down I saw many temples but the one that caught my eye was the big white one in the middle, which I guessed was Zeus's temple. When we landed the chariots flew off and we went inside the temple, which by the way was huge, there was a red carpet leading to the throne, above us, there was a mural of a lightning storm, we got to the throne that Zeus was sitting on and it was gold, solid gold.

"Hello, father," Athena said sarcastically.

"Hello, daughter, you look great today," Zeus laughed. Athena made a disgusted face.

"Can we hurry this up brother, it's very bright up here, and I would like to get back to the Underworld," Hades said, hiding his face from the light.

"Of course Hades, where are the children?" Zeus asked.

We came out from behind our parents and Seph just had to say something stupid.

"Your temple is so cool and big," Seph beamed.

"Shut up," Rishi said.

"Of course, anything for you princess."

"Ugh, stand up Death Boy."

"SILENCE!" Zeus boomed. We all stopped talking, our eyes huge and filled with fear, and we faced towards Zeus, standing upright, "I am going to allow you to have three hours with your parents until you have to go to the new school, you can leave now."

We leave the temple and go our separate ways, my dad calls over the chariot and we fly up into the sky towards his temple, since he is the god of the sun he had his temple made on a cloud, somehow. His temple was on a cloud, A CLOUD, it was gold with greek columns, the outside was decorated with lyres, music notes, poetry, and bow and arrows.

"Wow, it's absolutely beautiful up here," I said, in awe.

"Yes, my temple is quite beautiful isn't it," my dad boasted, "wait here I have something for you."

As he walked off I sat down and look around at everything at it was all highly decorated, there was a white carpet leading up to a gold throne, and on the ceiling, there was a gold lyre painting with white ravens. I heard footsteps and turned around to see my dad coming over with some clothes and a golden bow with a quiver filled with arrows.

"I got you some new clothes to wear and a bow with a quiver filled with arrows," he said handing me the stuff.

"Thank you so much. Can you teach how to shoot?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll teach as much as I can with the time we have left," he said, "we can take the chariots to the archery range."

He taught me how to aim, which arrow to use for certain ranges, the correct way to hold a bow, and how many fingers I should use and how where they should be placed, how to shoot a target if it's moving or if it's not moving, and most importantly that my quiver will always be full because it makes infinite arrows.

"Focus on your stance and when you are ready, aim, and fire," he said.

As I let go of the drawstring the arrow spun through the air and hit the center of the target, as I was walking back from getting my arrow my dad said, "Our three hours are up, I have to go back to the teleportation gardens."  

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