Settling In

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When we got back to the temple I grabbed my stuff and we got back on the chariots and we rode back to the gardens of Olympus so we could get to the school. As we are flying with everyone else, we get to see the sunrise above the mountains.

"Wow, it's so beautiful from up here," Mariano said, looking into the sunset.

"I know right, the colors are so pretty together," I said. After a while, I realized I was staring at Mariano, and looked away blushing.

"Your face is really red," Rishi whispered from her chariot.

"Yeah, I know," I whispered back.

"What are you talking about?" Seph asked as he flew in behind us.

Rishi slapped him and said, "Jeez, Seph, you scared us; and what Avanni and I talk about is none of your business."

"Ok," he said, rubbing his face.

"We're here," Athena said sternly.

We all looked down at the beautiful gardens below, as we landed it was a bit bumpy and got a little dizzy so when I got off I almost fell, but Mariano caught me.

"Ugh," I complained, feeling my head.

"You don't look too good," he said.

"Just feeling a little dizzy."

"Careful, I don't want you to fall again. Come on I'll walk you the teleport thing."

"Nice name."

"Gee, thanks Avanni."

We made our way over to the teleportation area and Rishi smirked at me. As we got ready to go, I realized that there were only four spots, one for me, one for Mariano, one for Rishi, and one for Seph.

"Wait aren't you coming with us?" I asked.

"Sadly, no. we have to stay on Olympus, but there will be a guide at the gates to help you with anything you will need," Athena said.

"Plus we will see you soon," Apollo said, "there is going to be a welcoming party."

Wait, I thought, a welcoming party, that was in my dream.

"Wait, I have to tell you–––," I was cut off before I could finish because we started to teleport. With a bright blinding light, we left Olympus and arrived at school, our parents wanted to send us to the Demigod School, so they could see how differently we acted, I guess. They said they would have sent us to this camp on Long Island, New York, for demigods, but they wanted to see how we would deal with a different environment.

At the gates, there was a girl in a uniform who looked like she was waiting for someone to come for a long time.

"Hello," she said, "I will be your G.U.I.D.E. which stands for Genius. Utility. and Ideal. Database. Engineer."

"So you are a robot," Seph said "cool."

"If you would follow me this way I will lead you to the registration counter," she said as she started to walk away.

As we started to walk around, I noticed there was a boy with blonde hair, sitting on the roof of the school, reading.

"Excuse me?" I asked G.U.I.D.E., "Is he safe up there?"

"Yes, he's fine." she responded, "that is Storm, Son of Zeus."

"Guess, that makes sense," Mariano said, as we kept walking.

We continued walking towards the school, and as we did I saw at least 7 other demigods. When we entered the front of the school, we stepped into a giant room, with ceilings at least 30 feet high, everything seemed to be a lot bigger from the outside, but from inside it wasn't that big. When we got to the registration counter they asked us for our names and our parent's names.

"Avanni, Daughter of Apollo."

"Rishi, Daughter of Athena."

"Mariano, Son of Ares."

"Seph, Son of Hades."

"Ok, you are all set," said the person at the registration counter, "girls to the left, and boys to the right. Here are your dorm keys."

We said goodbye to the boys and went to go find our dorm when we found our dorm room, we went inside, and wow, it was really big inside, the ceilings were really high, we decided to go to choose our rooms when we realized that they already had our names on them. As we are getting unpacked we hear someone enter our dorm, Rishi and I head out to see two other girls looking around then, looking at us confused. One of them had red hair and was wearing a green dress and looked about 5' 6'', the other had blonde hair and wore a lot of pink colored clothes, she looked about 5' 8''.

"What are you doing in our dorm?" the red-head asked.

"What do you mean?" Rishi asked, "We got here first."

There was a high pitched screech from the speakers that made us cover our ears. "Ugh," I groaned

"Sorry," the announcer said, "You will most likely be sharing your dorm with other demigods, sorry for the confusion. Also once you are done packing please head down to the commons for a meet and greet with the other demigods, thank you, that is all."

"Well, guess that clears that up, sorry for getting mad at you," Rishi apologized.

"That's ok," the blonde-haired girl said. "I'm Amara, Daughter of Aphrodite."

"I'm Hazel, Daughter of Demeter," said the red-haired girl.

"I'm Rishi, Daughter of Athena,"

"I'm Avanni, Daughter of Apollo,"

"It was very nice to meet you guys," Amara said, heading off towards her room.

"Nice to meet you too," Hazel said, skipping off.

"That was interesting," Rishi said

"Definitely," I said

We finished unpacking and headed down to the meet and greet.

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