"Hey Princess, mind doing me a favour?" Hunter asked calmly, a smirk on his face.
"What is it?" Marina wondered.
"Steal the Nationals trophy, add a video to a laptop and put it in your choir room. I'm bored and we should try to get Blaine back here." Hunter shrugged.
Marina looked up at him. "Yeah, sure, okay. Sounds fun as long as you don't tell them I got the trophy." Marina agreed.
"Deal." Marina did as he said, the pair working to hatch an 'evil plan'. Sebastian was in on it too, the trio finding it immensely amusing.
Everyone sat in their makeshift superhero costumes as Blaine hit the gavel, addressing the group. "The Secret Society of Superheroes Club is now in session. It is the purpose of this club to fight injustice, to right all that which is wrong, and to preserve truth, justice, and peace in the halls of McKinley High. First order of business roll call. Go." Blaine ordered, pointing to Marina.
"Huntress here. My power: forcing people to be my best friend and then get them to live with me." Marina grinned. Blaine then pointed to Arabella.
"Canary here. My power: being blonde." Arabella joked as Blaine then pointed to Kara.
"Trickster here. My power is making you think blue and purple makes red." They had hardly any time to think about their identities that everything was made up on the spot.
Blaine pointed to Jamie. "Comms here. My power is forcing you to do my bidding."
Tina spoke next, "Asian Persuasion here. My superpower is being the mistress of manipulation." Tina smirked.
"Blond Chameleon here. My superpower is I can impersonate anybody. George W. Bush, heh." Sam said in a George Bush accent.
"Tarantula Head here. My superpower is lashing you with my dreads." Joe said, before whipping his hair and hitting the boy beside him.
"Sweet 'n' Spicy, here. My superpower is money." Sugar grinned.
"Second order of business inducting new members into our ever-swelling ranks. Candidates, come forth." Artie, Brittany, and Becky walked into the room, each wearing a costume of their own.
"Excited to be here, Blaine." Artie grinned.
Blaine sighed. "First of all, there are no civilian identities in here, okay? I am Nightbird the Nocturnal Avenger. And second of all, I really hope you're not trying to pass yourself off as a certain telepathic leader of a certain group of superhuman mutants because that would be a copyright violation."
Artie stammered. "Uh, I'm Dr. Y and my superpower is wheelies?"
Blaine nodded in acceptance. "Welcome, Dr. Y. Next."
"I'm Queen Bee and I can sting like a bitch." Becky stated, making a buzzing sound.
"Welcome, Queen Bee. Next." Blaine said. "I'm the Human Brain." Was all Brittany said.
Blaine hesitated for a minute before speaking. "Welcome, Human Brain." Then his phone went off. "What's this? A text just came through on my Night Phone. 'Have you talked to Kurt? I already told you, Asian Persuasion, this account is only supposed to be for emergencies, and you cannot use your powers of manipulation to coax me into getting back with my ex, so stop trying." Blaine sighed, reading from the phone, and then looking to Tina with a blank expression.
"What is it, Chai Tea?" Blaine asked, alarmed, as Dottie Kazatori ran into the room.
"Emergency in the choir room." She stated to the group. Everyone stood, running as Blaine exclaimed:
"To the choir room!"
When they arrived, Marina smirked to herself as Dottie explained what was going on. "Someone took your Nationals trophy and left that laptop in its place."
Everyone crowded around the laptop in curiosity. "Who leaves a laptop?" Artie questioned.
"Someone rich, someone who wanted to send us a message. I got this." Blaine said to the group, reaching forward and pressing play.
It showed a video of Hunter she and Sebastian had recorded, the boy holding the Nationals trophy. His face had been blurred and his voice distorted. "Greetings, New Directions! You have been living as national champions on borrowed time, and that ends now. We have your trophy. Soon we'll have your title as well. The great reckoning is at hand- Sectionals. Your move." The video then cut off, the group exchanging looks.
"Who was that?" Sam eventually asked.
"Sebastian Smythe." Blaine groaned. Marina, Arabella, Kara, or Jamie didn't feel like correcting him. Three of the four didn't know who it was either- they simply couldn't tell the difference. "I'm going to Dalton." Blaine declared.
Marina grinned slowly. "Can I come? Kinda reminds us of when I first met the boys. But it was on better circumstances then." Blaine nodded. Kara, Arabella, and Jamie didn't feel like going, wanting to figure out who it was themselves.
Before anyone could do anything, Finn held a Glee club meeting. They were all messing around in their costumes whilst Finn tried to get them to quieten down. "Okay, guys, sit down. We got a lot of work to do today. No, seriously, come on, I mean it, sit down. Okay, so the first order of business today is to welcome the newest members to the Glee club -Ryder and Kitty." There was scattered applause.
Tina scoffed. "Wait, don't we all get to vote on her or something?"
"Well, Tina, Kitty was fantastic in Grease." Finn stated.
"In spite of my god-awful part." Kitty added.
"Besides, we're under the gun. We... we have to go to Sectionals next week and we need 12 members to compete... and Marina can't even compete." Finn said to Tina.
"Oh, well, then, just call Santana back from Kentucky again 'cause apparently, she's better than anyone who's actually enrolled here." Tina sassed.
"Look, Tina, not now. Uh, look, where was I? Sectionals, yes. Here's the game plan! Broke the marker. Where does Mr. Shue keep the other markers? Uh Screw it. Uh... The theme is..." Finn said, mostly to himself.
Marina stood, pointing at him. "No!" She exclaimed. "You can't tell me. I'm not performing, and I want total surprise when I watch you guys perform." She escorted herself out of the room, standing outside and waiting for Blaine to meet her there.
The next thing she heard was Blaine speaking. "I'm going to get our trophy back from the Warblers- the one you haven't even noticed is missing."

• MARINA • Hunter Clarington-BOOK TWO✔
FanfictionIt was blatantly obvious that Marina Fowler thought that Hunter Clarington was undeniably hot. He was the new captain of the Warblers of Dalton academy. Marina wasn't a fan of the New New Directions, and Marina felt sorry for whoever had to deal wit...