Marina sat in the choir room with the rest of the New Directions, excited for the six people who would be entering the room. Finn walked in first, Quinn, Puck, Mercedes, Mike, and Santana, all entering after him. They stood in front of the group, smiling.
Finn gestured to the five. "All right, do you realize, standing before you are legends?" The people who knew them clapped and cheered the loudest, others still clapping in respect. "Any single one of these guys could be President of the United States one day."
"I don't know about that." Artie denied.
"And lucky for us, they've agreed to help us..." Finn began.
Puck cut him off. "Hang with the new chumps and see if some of our sheer awesomeness doesn't rub off on you." The five pretended to 'rub off their awesomeness', "It will."
"When you hear your name, pair up. Puck, you're with your brother. Mike, you're with Ryder. Marley, you're with Santana. Kitty, you're with Quinn. Wade, Mercedes." Each person made a sign of acknowledgement, Kitty moving to hug Quinn in happiness.
"Sashay." Mercedes grinned to Wade.
"Enchante." They responded as Mercedes pulled them into a hug.
"I knew it. Mercedes was cloned." Brittany said to Sam.
"What about us?" Kara asked, referring to herself and Jamie.
"Well, you two live with Marina and Arabella. I guess you have their awesomeness?" He said slowly, hesitance in his voice.
"That we do." Jamie responded. Without looking at one another, they did a group high five.
"Now, your mentors are here to help you with whatever you need: Singing, dancing." Finn stated.
"Birth control." Quinn added.
"You're so funny and self-deprecating! We're so much alike!" Kitty giggled, referring to herself and Quinn.
"Wanky." Santana smirked.
"The worst mistake that we can make is to underestimate our competition. The Warblers are ruthless this year." Finn stated.
Marina burst into laughter, attempting to get the eyes off of her. "Sorry, Finn, but the Warblers being ruthless? I can't see it." Arabella laughed quietly, nudging Kara.
"Based on the training room, the only thing I can imagine is that they're ruthless in bed." Kara, Marina, and Jamie all gave the blonde bland looks. "Bad time?"
"Very bad time." The trio chorused.
"Let me repeat: Wanky." Santana smirked to the four.
Artie cleared his throat. "Don't forget about the Rosedale Mennonites. Any show choir that can raise a barn in five minutes deserves mad respect." He stated.
Arabella realised that Finn was about to speak about the competition, quickly covering Marina's ears. Marina nodded in understanding when Jamie gestured to Finn speaking. She uncovered them when Santana spoke.
"Okay, lumps, let me just say out loud what everyone here is thinking: You finally got an okay haircut, you're not doing that annoying half smirk as much as you used to, but you're still an idiot. No one in this room can tackle a massive dance number except for Brit. That includes your little 'Hand-Jive' that, to me, looked more like a handj..." Santana smirked. Marina loudly cleared her throat nearing the end of Santana's words.
"Is there any way Mr. Shue can come back for this?" Joe muttered helplessly.
"Listen to me, we have never lost Sectionals before, and there's no way we're gonna do it under my watch. We can and we will succeed! We need an ambitious number with a strong dance element. That's the Warbler's calling card, and we need to blow them out of the water." Finn stood. "And Mike said he could easily show one of our guys how to do the dance number." He added.
"I did?" Mike wondered, confused.
Finn groaned to himself, "Crap. I, uh, I kind of forgot to ask you about that. But one of our guys is gonna have to take the lead with Brit. So, who's it gonna be?"
Sam expectantly looked ta Finn. "Hello? White Chocolate." He began to beatbox, reverting back to his stripper days.
"Oh, no, no, no." Mercedes denied.
The next day, the girls had been called to the choir room whilst the boys trained for the dance routine. "You boys doing good?" Marina asked into the phone.
"Everything's set." Hunter confirmed, "We're just making sure everything's going to work out. We've been debating your idea about a New Directions loss, and all the boys have agreed about your little stunt."
"Good." Marina grinned, hanging up as they all entered the choir room.
"Along with being beautiful, the three of us are National Show choir Championship goddesses." Brittany stated.
"We are winners. Which is why Finn has asked us to come and shower you with the inspiration that is the Unholy Trinity." Santana smirked.
"Santana, Brittany, and I knew each other so well that I could tell by the slightest quiver in Santana's upper lip which way we were gonna move. Whether our hips are gonna shake or shimmy."
"No. You girls have to be tight up there, okay? The judges love the feminine quality, and the Warblers just don't have it." Santana stated.
"No, but they have the masculinity." Jamie noted.
"It's about being individuals. You know, we're all different. But it's also about synchronicity." Quinn stated.
"Can you give us an example?" Marley questioned.
"It's been a few months, but I'm the three of us could put together something on the fly." Quinn smiled softly.
"Do my favourite one!" Sugar called to the trio as the music began.
When they finished, everyone clapped and cheered. Santana looked to Marley, concern in her eyes. "Hey, are you are you feeling okay? You look like you're gonna hurl." She asked.
"Um, I think I'm just really tired from all the rehearsing." Marley said nervously.
"Oh, and Marina?" Quinn asked, looking over to the girl. The brunette gave the older girl a questioning look.
"Love the hair."

• MARINA • Hunter Clarington-BOOK TWO✔
FanficIt was blatantly obvious that Marina Fowler thought that Hunter Clarington was undeniably hot. He was the new captain of the Warblers of Dalton academy. Marina wasn't a fan of the New New Directions, and Marina felt sorry for whoever had to deal wit...