Human friends

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Your two human friends sat on the couch in the common room almost impatiently. You walked in there alongside with Mammon. Mammon intertwined your fingers with his, and squeezed it slightly.

"Hey guys." You said with a smile to your human friends "what's up?"

"Y/n!" Hyun stood up and smiled brightly at the sight of you.

Saeyoung smiled and stood up "hey, we just wanted to come see you."

"Hey, Seven." Mammon greeted the red head, then glared at Zen.

You kissed the demons cheek to reassure him that you didn't have any feelings for the albino human. He shot you a small smile, then once again glared at Hyun. You let go of Mammons hand, then hugged your nerdy best friend. Mammon trusted Luciel now and didn't have a problem with you two hugging, but the momen the you hugged Hyun, he almost exploded with anger and jealousy.

"Okayyyyy." Mammon put his around your shoulders and pulled you close to him "hi, I'm Mammon. The Mammon. The Avatar of Greed. What was your name again?"

"I'm Hyun Ryu, but my stage name is Zen." The red eyed man chuckled awkwardly "its... nice? To meet you."

You pulled away from Mammon and pinched his cheek "stop if, you're not the Avatar of Envy, that's Levi's job."

"I-I ain't jealous!" Mammon said angrily with blush on his cheeks "just greedy for you.. or whatever."

You giggled and looked back to your friends "so how's your job doing, Zen? Still getting more and more popular every day?"

Zen smiled "yeah, I am. My dream of becoming an actor is coming true, and I couldn't be happier, honestly... well I could, but you know. That probably wont happen any time soon, but that's ok."

You knew exactly what Hyun was saying. He was a kind and patient man, and he's lucky that Mammon didn't know what he was talking about.

"Yeah." You nodded and looked up at Mammon "we should all go somewhere together, it would be fun."

"I was already having fun before they got here though." Mammon whined.

"Please?" You asked with a pair of puppy dog eyes.

Blush instantly rushed to both Mammons and Hyun's faces.

"Tch." Mammon looked away from your pleading eyes "f-fine."

"Oooo! Handsome men! Wait for me!"

Everyone's attention by a very feminine voice. It was Asmo.

You giggled and hugged him "Girly, this is Hyun Ryu, or his stage name is-"

"Zen? Like.. the Zen?" Asmos face lit up in pure joy and happiness "oh my Devils! You're such an amazing actor! I'm one if your biggest fans!"

Hyun smiled "nice to meet you."

"I'm Asmodeuse, the Avatar of Lust~" Asmo took Zens hand in his flirtatiously "but you can call me darling."

Zen gulped and felt awkwardly, then puked his hand away from Asmo "Uh.. sorry, but I can't really date anyone because of my job. I don't wanna upset any of my fans."

Luciel giggled in the background "mhmm, yup. Totally, dude."

You giggled with Luciel. Soon, the five of you ran outside and into the busy Devildom city. Not once did Mammon let go of your hand, unless you let go of his to hold the other due to both of your palms getting sweaty. Everyone's been out for maybe an hour now. You showed your friends around the town, and all the good, yet odd food.

You smiled at Mammon as he couldn't decide what he wanted to order at the the rabbit cafe. Luciel noticed how you looked at him and giggled.

"What?" You asked him while turning your attention to him.

He sipped on his coffee and took a bite of his small cake "you and Mammon are just really cute together."

"Not all the time." You say with a scoff "we have our arguements of course like every other couple.. and then we also have those more spicy moments."

"S-spicy?" Hyun choked on his coffee.

Asmo cooed after "oh yes~! And I was the one who got them off onto their first time~"

"Wha-... whAt?" Hyun' s bright red eyes widened at you.

You cleared your throat and flicked Asmo's forehead "girly, we don't talk about that."

You ordered the same thing for Mammon that you had, which was a sweet carrot cake. He tapped your shoulder, and you looked at him. Mammon wiped a small smudge if frosting off your lip and kissed you. You blushed and looked away from the blue eyed demon.

An hour later, and everyone was at some nice and quiet park. You layed under the sky in Mammons arms as a few stars were starting to come out in the sky, signalling it was beginning to get night time. Luciel, Hyun, and Asmo sat next to a tree, chatting about whatever came to their minds.

"You're beautiful." Mammon said while gazing at the stars the reflected out of your eyes.

You looked at him and smiled, then played with his pale white hair "you're hot." You giggled "especially in your demon form. You got some nice abs."

He chuckled, then looked back up at the sky and moon. You wished that this moment would never end, but sadly it would have to soon enough.

I'm greedy for you! (Mammon x Female reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now