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Quick a/n!! Wont take that long!♡

For all of you who keep saying I'm cute in my last a/n, here, have this

For all of you who keep saying I'm cute in my last a/n, here, have this

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That is all, hope yall like this angsty chapter♡♡♡

You dragged Mammon randomly into town without even looking where you were going. When you stopped, you were in the middle of a field, with the stars in the sky starting to come out and sparkle in the sky. The moon light was soft, and beautiful. The fireflies started to come out as well and surrounded the two of you.

Yes, everything was undeniably gorgeous. But your thoughts kept running around in your mind like a wild goose chase. Sam's words replayed in your head like a bad song replaying on a broken record.

"Y/n, are ya ok?" Mammon asked softly.

You looked up at the stars to try and calm down a bit. But to also not look at the demon.

Your voice, now raspy and desperate to try and not choke, slid through the air like silk "I'm not ok, Mammon."

As the stars became more and more bright, and more popped out in the sky, you began to see images in them. A few consolations, a few random shapes. But also an image became more clear in the stars the more you looked at them. It was of Hyun and Mammon. They werent doing anything special in the image you saw, really. They were just there. Written in the stars of your past, present, and future.

"Mammon, I love you with everything i have, never forget that." Your soft voice said "I want what's best for you every day tha I'm with you."

"Why're ya talkin like this is goodbye?" He said while starting to panic.

His heart rate started to quicken in pure and utter fear and his hands started to shake. Mammon tried his best to be at least a little braver than he really was and tried not to let his eyes form tears already.

"Because I dont know if it is." You said while finally looking at him.

The stars and moonlight reflected in his deep blue eyes perfectly. Those same blue eyes that gave you butterflies every time you looked into them, now looked terrified and devastated.

"No... no, no, no." His voice cracked like a broken peice of glass "ya cant leave me again. I dont know what I'd do if ya did! I'm still tryin to heal from last time ya left!"

"I'm not leaving the Devildom again." You blinked slowly "I just dont think... I dont think we are a very healthy thing together."


You took your phone from your pocket and went to your gallery, then pulled up a picture of yourself right before you went to the Devildom for the first time. You looked a bit younger then. You showed Mammon the picture and let him gaze at it.

"You still look the same today as you did form back then." Your lip trembled "this wasn't even a year ago I took this, and I've changed a hole lot since then. We are not healthy together because of this. When I die, I could take centuries before I get back to you, and you could forget about me and move on by then."

"I won't, I swear!"

"You cant keep that promise!"

You put your phone back in your back pocket and felt a tear slipping down your cheek. Mammon saw it and broke down his false brave walls of his, letting tears ball up in his eyes and slide down his cheeks.

"I-I need you." He sniffled "y/n, you make me, me now. You're the one keeping me on my feet every day, i-i cant loose you again."

You dropped your head in your hands and started to cry in them. Your heart ached, and your chest tightened at the pain of having to loose him again. The pain was almost too much.

"Y-you're going to have to find a way to deal with it." You mumbled between sobs.

Clouds started to cover the dark blue sky, making it look like a black sea. At first, the fain was just a light sprinkle, but it quickly escalated to a heavy rain storm. The sound of rain hitting everything the ground touched, paired with thunder covered the sound of devastatingly sad sobs from both you and Mammon.

The rain ran down your face and covered your tears that streamed down against your cheeks. Mammon cried harder than you did, though. It was the most broken feeling he'd felt in a long, long time. You were used to feeling broken, but this was a different kind of sadness. It was right next to how you felt when everyone died  at that zoo so many years ago right infront of you.

Eventually, lucifer and Diavolo found both of you crying. They knew something big was up, but they didnt know what. They didnt ask any questions. Lucifer got Mammon out of there and away from you first, then w hen en he was far enough away, Daivolo started to walk you to his castle. Neither of them brought any umbrellas, so they switched to their demon forms. Lucifer pulled his wings over his little brother to keep him from the rain, and Daivolo did the same for you.

You cried, but the rain covered your sobs still even if you were shielded from the storm. The prince opened his castle doors and lead you to a spear bedroom. Barbatos gave you a few towels to somewhat dry off, and some new cloths. When you calmed down and was left in the room by yourself, you got in the new and dry cloths, and just sat on the big and comfy bed.

The was a soft knock on the door. You told them to come in, and it was only the Prince of hell. He gave you his soft, motherly like smile that said everything was going to be alright, and hugged you. You hugged him back without a word and felt your throat start to choke up again. You cried softly in Daivolos arms and let him try to sooth you. He stroked your hair gently, and rocked the both of you on the bed. He didnt ask any questions, and you didnt need to explain anything to him.

Was this really how a serious break up felt like? Your human world job kept you occupied for the longest time that you didnt even have any time to date anyone up there between training, killing demons, telling everything you knew to Seven, and class when you actually had school. It hurt worse than any wound that any angel or demon could ever do.

You passed out, but not from the amount of crying you had done. It was Diavolo who knocked you out with some of his magic. It didnt hurt at all, it was actually really nice. The prince just didnt want you to cry all night and not get any rest. So, he layed you down on the bed and put the covers over you, and turned the lights off. He walked out the room, and left the door barely cracked open.

I'm greedy for you! (Mammon x Female reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now