🌸Interview(27): Winning Over His Heart

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I welcome you all to the studio fellow Wattpadians

Today, I have with me an extra dose of Sunshine🌚 yes yes. . . extra dose of sunshine🌞 for all the pretty flowers in the garden😇

I am talking about SunshineBandito, the author of the hilarious yet beautiful and romantic book, titled 'Winning Over his Heart'.

I know you mentioned you got the story idea from a prompt, but is there another back story to the twists you added? How did you create the entire story?

SB: The elevator scene stuck with me throughout the years and I ended up falling for my male protagonist in the moment. The rest of the story kind of escalated from there.

Li: You must have a really smart brain to develop the prompt to such a beautiful story. How about the characters, how did you create them?

SB: Ummmm, a lot of my characters are based on real people I know.
Laney is a lot like me, 😁
I tend to imagine my characters and how the story would go before I write.

Li: Who is your least favourite character?
For me, it's Uncle Doug, he deserves to be burnt alive on a stake!😈

SB: I know uncle Doug is a horrible person. He has gotten a lot of death threats from many of my readers😂😂

Li: Yes! He deserves all the threats he is getting because he is just outright horrible!
How can you hate a child for the mistakes they never made?
I mean if that isn't enough, you take her swimming in the pretense of teaching her only for him to try to drown her!🤦🏽‍♀️
I take my words back, he shouldn't be burnt, he should be thrown deep under the sea with a huge stone atop him😈

SB: 😂😂😂 Lilly he is just a character!

Li: I don't care! He needs to die!😈😈

Red: *Coughs*

Li: Why are you here?🙄

Red: The author hasn't even answered the question, Lilly. You are getting too emotional🤓

Li: ☺️☺️🤪 Oh my bad. . . soooo, who is your least favourite?

SB: 😁For me, Taylor definitely hits the top list.
I absolutely hate when people lie to get their way or change the situation for their benefit.
Personally, to me, it's just evil.

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