🌸Interview(8): Rocky's Big City Adventure

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Hello everyone!🌹

I welcome you all to another amazing interview with the talented RCorsini

She is the author of the multi-award winning book "Sushis and Sea Lions". I'm not sure if the term Multi-Award even exists, but that book has gotten the highest number of awards I have ever seen here on Wattpad.💐

Damn.. I can't even begin to imagine bagging so much awards 😍.

In celebration for the amount of awards bagged by our guest, let's all have a happy dance!💃 hit the music Sophie!


Anyway, Sushis and Sea Lions isn't our focus for today. 😜

In the spirit of Christmas, Our focus today is a short Christmas tale written by the same amazing writer titled, " Rocky's Big City Adventure" 🏙🏔🏙

Before, I start talking too much and spoil the story for everyone, do tell the audience what the plot of this story is.

R: Rocky's Big City Adventure is really about being a fish out of water and what happens when you take someone, or something, out of their natural environment. It's a journey to find their way back to their home.

Li: Where did you get the inspiration for this story?

R: My inspiration was actually the true story of the owl that was found in the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. I just thought, what was that like for this little Owl? That's how it became a story from Rocky and her friend Sly's point of view.

Li: Hmm, but why did you decide to use a Christmas theme or set the story to happen around the Christmas period?

R: The Christmas theme came naturally. Since it was all centered around Christmas time, especially the inspiration. I also think New York city has a little bit of magic at Christmas and I wanted to share that with my audience as well.

LiI know you said you got your inspiration from the true story of the owl in the Rockefeller center Christmas tree, but why did you decide to use animals as characters?

R: I know it was a little strange to use animals but I had so much fun doing it.
If the characters were human, it would be an entirely different story!

Li: How different would it have been?

R: It might have been more about the rescue effort, instead of the journey and unlikely friendship that forms.

Li: Talking about friendship, I think Sly and Rocky's friendship is really inspiring. Given Rocky's stubbornness, Sly didn't give up on her. He protected her unconditionally. It's a sort of friendship that is fast becoming rare among humans. Don't you think?

R: I agree, they are extremely loyal to each other through out the whole story. I think, I used it as a vehicle to show the importance of true friendship, even though everyone has their differences.

Li: Yeah, I think you portrayed that exceptionally well.

So what was your favourite scene to write in the story?

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