🌸Interview(2): Covert Scars

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Hello beautiful people! 🌷

Another bright day in the Garden of Eden Interviews, and we have the amazing Nefili123 in the building! 💐

(Sophie hit those drums!💃)

Nefili is the author of "HER SOUL" and today's focus "Covert Scars"

Li: What is the story behind the plot of Covert Scars?

Ne: To be frank, it came out of nowhere. I was thinking about writing a story on arranged marriage in the future. The idea got altered a bit I guess and came out as the pairing concept. The pairing concept is what came first, all other fantasy elements joined after.
I like writing books where the relationships start with a little bit of enmity, but since my last book has that concept, I went with unrequited love.
The plot initially had magical beings in place of vampires, but since this is Wattpad, I thought vampires would attract readers.

Li: The vampire idea really worked for me. I thought the story was going to be about some teenage love and blah blah blah and just when I was about to give up, boom! I saw something about human and vampire realms.

So, how did you come up with the title, 'Covert Scars'?

Ne: Initially, it was called 'The Peace Holders' but I decided it was too general and there wasn't any emotion in it.
I wanted the title to be related to Rebel. She has been hurt and broken, yet none knew about it. They all thought she was this strong girl, who had nothing to worry about.
Her wounds and scars are all hidden from others eyes, and she has made peace with that. That's why it is 'Covert scars', to say that not all scars are visible. Strong seemingly happy persons do have problems and pain too.

Li:Wow! Those are really deep words.

So why did you decide to name your lead character, Rebel? Isn't that too Rebellious😏

Ne: Five years back, I formed my first young adult story in my mind. I was thinking, one day I will write it. The female lead in that story was named Rebel. Years went and I never wrote anything, so that story never got out.
I liked the name Rebel. It's kind of strong and powerful, so I used it for 'Covert Scars' and I think it suites her character.

Li: Let me venture off a bit, why did you ignore the story though? Most people, have the tendency of writing their first imagined stories when they get into Wattpad.

Ne: When I came to Wattpad, I ignored that story because, it was a complex storyline, not suitable for my first work. But after my first work, I didn't like that story anymore and so I dropped the idea.
FunFact: the male lead of the story I imagined five years ago, is now the lead of my first book on Wattpad.

Li: Hmmm that's really an interesting fact. So Rebel is from the past😎 Oh and do say hello to Riaan for me☺

Why did you pick the age eighteen for Rebel? I always associate ages sixteen and eighteen as cursed ages, because something unfortunate (Ikan buruku!) always happen to the lead characters at that age.

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