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9 year old you and 10 year old Loki are running through the palace trying to escape the guards, its 11:25 PM the night before you turn 10 years old, you and Loki decided to pull one last prank before you hit double digits,

you had gone into Thor's chambers and Loki had created and illusion so you both look like intruders, he called for the guards and you two instantly started running, you looked behind you to see if they are getting closer but when you looked back Loki was gone, you kept running and as you turned the corner someone pulled you into a room, it was Loki, You watched the guards as they sprinted past the door and He took off the illusion you were both in hysterics when you looked behind you to see Thor staring in disbelief and everyone went silent for a few seconds before Thor joined in the laughing, after you finally managed to catch your breath Thor looked at the time, it was 12:55 and he gave Loki an exited look, Loki and Thor both started giving each other this look until suddenly Loki pulled your hands behind your back and Thor blindfolded you, you heard them talking as Thor picked you up,

"Hold her still or she will escape!!" yelled Loki,

"I'm trying!!" said Thor as he struggled to stop you from escaping, they finally got to their destination and closed the gate, they set you down and let you pull off the blindfold, you were about to punch Thor when you looked around and saw loads of birthday stuff, when the clock hit midnight you all started dancing, Loki offered you his hand and in a joking matter he said,

"Would you like to dance?"

you knew he was joking but you took him by surprise when you said yes, you and Loki danced in the moonlight for 10 full minutes before Thor got back with the cake He stole from the kitchen,

he walked into the secret garden and jumped in between you two whilst screaming,

"Get a room lovebirds!"

you all broke into laughter, Loki looked so happy...

that day was when it all started...


Present day

Your 17th birthday

you are sitting in your chambers getting dressed into the same annoying long dresses that you are forced to wear every day, this time it is a grayish blue dress that you hate [see dress image at the top], you just want to wear something comfortable but as your mother always says, 'if you live in this palace you must look like a princess',  

you finish dressing and walk out to the gardens for your morning stroll, you haven't seen Loki or Thor for quite a while now and you miss them terribly, you walk through the rose bushes and into the secret garden,

 you go there to calm down when your upset, it has a tree which you like to punch at when your mad, it hurts but it helps, it also has a pond you can sit by when you just want some alone time, but the most special thing about the garden is that the moon shines directly on to it and it is where you and Loki shared your first dance, and then your second, you danced with Loki at midnight on your birthday every year since you were 10, you were thinking s much about how you missed Loki that you hadn't noticed the tears streaming down your face. you wiped them away as you thought about how Loki probably wasn't coming this year, besides you hadn't seen him all month,

 you began to cry uncontrollably when you felt a hand on your shoulder, you jumped up and to your surprise saw Loki, you ran up to him and cried as you hugged him tight, he stroked your hair whilst your head was buried in his neck,

"What's wrong Y/N?" he said as he held you out in front of him, you quickly wiped your eyes and smiled,

"Nothing, nothing at all I'm fine"

he could already tell you had lied and he looked you deep in your eyes and asked again,

"What's wrong, you can tell me"

you held his hand and looked at him admiring how tall and  handsome he was, you looked at the floor to try and avoid eye contact but he lifted your chin so that you had to look into his deep green eyes, you finally gave in,

"I- I just missed you that's all, I haven't seen you all month and nobody would tell me a thing, where were you?"

"Awh is my little dancer getting worried about me?" he grinned as he said this but then you looked up at him with your puppy dog eyes, he tried to resist falling for it but he couldn't, he sighs and looks at you,

"My father sent me to the dungeons for a while as punishment for trying to kill a guard."

you let out a giggle and he sits down on the bench pulling you onto his lap, you sat there for a while enjoying each others company, you gaze at his lips and you think to yourself,

'f*ck I really wanna kiss him right now'

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