Sneaking Out - Chapter 1

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-Word Count-: 1,015

~Sapnap's POV~

I'm currently sitting on my bed, reading a long fucking book I was forced to read in order to become a "good, independent, responsible, intelligent, and a lot more soon to be king". You would think being royalty is cool, all those stories and whatever making kids want to be princes and princesses, but in reality it is a living hell. Heh, funny... I'm literally living in hell. You would also think I would get whatever I want and so would Harry and Hailey... but we don't, what is there to even get? Our parents are strict.. well our father is, our mother is actually quite kind and gentle. 

I spend most of my days stuck in my room, on my bed or desk reading and reading non stop... all these useless books which won't do anything to make me a better "king". My father said he read and memorized all these books, and that's how he's the way he is now... honestly, if these book made my father this way... no way am I going to read these fucking books. Sometimes, I go without eating for days... no wonder I'm so skinny.

I sighed as I bookmarked the page I was in... page 539, I closed the book and placed it on my desk beside my bed. I got up and walked towards my door, knocking since I wasn't allowed to leave my room without permission. I waited about a minute before my father showed up and opened the door, looking straight at me with his ugly face, I'm glad I look like my mom. 

"What is it?" he asked, I huffed as I stood up straight and opened my mouth to talk.

"May I leave my room and spend some time with my siblings?"

"Fine, but only for one hour, after you come back here and continue reading that book" he responded, I sighed as I walked out of my room and walked around the fortress looking for that dumbass and Hailey.

Harry and I have never had a great relationship... especially after I almost killed him when my powers manifested. We only get along with Hailey since she's.. well Hailey, but with each other.. we always end up almost murdering each other, though it never happens since Hailey always stops us. 

I managed to find myself outside the fortress, seeing Hailey and Harry were standing next to a ledge leading to a humongous pit of lava. I walked over to them and said a quick hello to Hailey and just ignored Harry.

"Oh hey Sap! Did dad let you come outside?" Hailey asked, kicking Harry's leg since he was giving me a pissed off look.

"Yeah, I only have about 30 more minutes until I have to go back to my prison, all because I was looking for the two of you all around that big fortress we call a home" I said, of course I was being sarcastic and they could tell.

"Hm.. maybe you should go back and leave us alone 'soon to be king'" Harry said, it's barely been 4 minutes and he's already getting on my nerves.

"Fine, I will dickhead.. see you in a year" I said leaving, I could hear Hailey telling me to come back and her getting mad at Harry. I walked back into the fortress and back into my room, not bothering with getting any food or a little snack. I entered my room and sat back down on my bed, grabbing the big book and began reading it again as I felt a big head ache coming in. 

As I was almost falling asleep, I heard someone knock on my door. I could tell it was my mother since she always knock twice on my door and then three times after 2 seconds. I quickly said 'come in', hearing the door open and seeing my mother walk in, quietly closing the door. She walked over to my bed, sitting down and taking the book away from my hands. She book marked the page and put the book on my desk, soon enough placing her warm hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this... all because of your powers that came from me..." she said with her soft and gentle voice, I smiled.

"It's not your fault that I was the on who got them, it could have been Harry and Hailey... they are the lucky ones since they don't have to do all of this." She smiled at me, patting my head as she told me to rest. I did as I was told and heard her leave my room, turning off the little lamp on the wall and closing the door.

I laid in bed for hours, unable to even close my eyes for a bit. I could giggling and laughing coming from the hallway my room is... has to be Hailey and Harry planning on doing something. I sighed as their laughter got louder and louder, I got up and opened my door. 

"What do you two think you're doing?" I asked, looking straight at them as they stood frozen.

"Well, we're planning on sneaking out, you know so we can see the over world, even for just a second" Hailey said, I could tell she wants me to go with them.

"I guess we can.. but we're coming back before he wakes up alright?" I said, grabbing my hoodie that I always wear and putting it on.

"Of course we'll be back before mister king wakes up, but we're going to have to find that portal first" Harry said as the three of us began walking through the halls and out of the fortress. We searched for about an hour for the portal, it was far from our 'home' plus it was hidden behind a big wall. We slowly entered the portal, not knowing what we'll see when we got completely through. After a few seconds, I could hear Harry and Hailey gasp and say wow, I opened my eyes and saw a lot... to be honest, this place does not look anything like the photos...

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