Brothers - Chapter 8

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A/N: Not me always writing these during class when I finish my work... shhh :)

Word Count: 978

~George's POV~ 

"Come on Dream, we've been walking for a full day! Can't we just search for a lava pool tomorrow or next week?" I asked, Dream and I left to check the damage on the portal, turns out it's not just a little piece that was burnt off... somehow.

"They probably want to return home George, so it's best if we look for the lava pool now" Dream said. I sighed and sat down next to a tree, my legs felt like they were about to fall off.

"It sounds like you want them to leave" I said, Dream stopped walking and turned over to look at me. 

"I'm not saying that" Dream said, I rolled my eyes, I swear everyone other than Sapnap knows that Dream is in love with Sap. I sighed and grabbed Dream's arm and tried to drag him back to the village, but he somehow stayed in place. I kept pulling and pulling but instead I just gave up and started going back to the village on my own. I heard Dream sigh and he began to follow me back to the village.

When we got back to the village, what Dream and I saw was um... Sapnap trying to escape Technoblade's grasp, everyone was laughing. Dream and I looked at each other with confused looks, we walked next to Hailey.

"Um, what's happening?" I asked. 

"They're trying to make Sapnap talk to Harry..." Hailey said. I could tell Dream was about to go towards Techno and Sap, but luckily Sapnap managed to kick Technoblade and run for his life since Techno pulled out a sword.

"No! Technoblade, don't you dare hurt Sapnap!" Wilbur said chasing after him. These people are something else...

~Narrator's POV~ (This is takes place like hours after Sapnap ran away)

Harry was currently sitting down on the grass, staring at the ocean. He was close by to the village but far enough for nobody to find him. But Sapnap ended up finding him, guess he needed some alone time just like Harry did.

"Oh, hey" Harry said as Sapnap sat next to him.

"Hey... what are you doing here?" Sapnap asked.

"Just... blaming myself... you?"

"Same thing..."

The two brothers sat there in silence, it was comfortable but a little to silent. Sapnap looked at the water moving around, small waves forming, fish swimming, dolphins sometimes coming up to the surface of the water, turtles coming out of the ocean and onto the land, the coral shining beautifully as it illuminates the ocean making it look pretty.

"The ocean's prettier than lava" Harry stated which made Sapnap giggle. Harry never admits it but... he likes hearing Sapnap giggle, it informs him that his little brother is in a good mood, and his giggles make him be in a good mood. 

"Everything here is prettier than anything in the Nether... other than our mom, she's beautiful" Sapnap said, Harry nodded his head at the last part, their mother was very beautiful in their eyes. She was the only person who truly understood them and Hailey. Sapnap sighed, his eyes getting teary and Harry noticed.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, he was nervous to talk about feelings with his brother since they've never talked about it, but it would be best to get it off their chests and express their problems.

"Well... I feel like I'll always hurt someone if I use my powers... you know how my powers, fire and lava are linked to my emotions, I just can't control it. When I tested my powers, that wave of fire was an accident, I didn't do it. I was thinking about what happened 9 years ago and then it just happened, I just can't control my powers..." Sapnap explained, Harry opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by Sapnap saying the last things he needed to say.

"You should be the future king... you're the oldest, but I also feel like you shouldn't... it's already hard for me... all the things I have to do, I don't want you to do any of those things... I guess you could say I care about you... a lot, even if I don't show it." Sapnap finally admitted to Harry that he cared and that made Harry smile.

"My turn to spill out my feelings, I feel like it's my fault that you act the way you act.. I'm your older brother, I'm the one you're supposed to look up to, I'm supposed to be a good influence on you but all I've been showing you is arguing and hatred..." Harry said, "It's also my fault you're the future king, I told dad you had powers... I've never told you this but I care about you too, a lot more than you care about me."

"Uh I care about you A LOT more" Sapnap said.

"No, I do!" Harry responded.

"Shut up, I care about you 100 times more than you!" Sapnap stated.

"I care about you.. uh, a million times more than you!" Harry said.

"I care about you times infinity! Ha, I won!" Sapnap said getting up and running, Harry chuckled and chased after him. The two laughed as Sapnap and Harry almost fell into a ravine but managed to jump over it in time. Harry and Sapnap had to admit it was fun actually spending time together even if it was the middle of the night. They arrived back in the village, still laughing and noticing that none of the houses' lights were on.

"Shh, I bet they're all sleeping" Sapnap giggled.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to wake the babies up" Harry said as he broke into laughter, Sapnap laughing as well. Once they stopped laughing they waved and left to the house they were staying in, at least they weren't fighting anymore.

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