Getting The Obsidian - Chapter 10

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A/N: Are the siblings going back to the Nether in this chapter? Who knows~ ;) And once again... I'm writing these chapters during class.

Word Count: 885

~Dream's POV~

Everyone agreed to go into caves in search for a lava pool, of course we split up, but the groups weren't the exact groups I wanted. I really wished Sap and I were grouped together alone so Sapnap and I could have more alone time. I also really hope we don't end up finding a lava pool, Sap and I just started dating yesterday and there is no way he's leaving already. Yeah, he might have been here for almost two weeks now but I still want there to be at least a few more weeks for Sapnap and I to actually date, or maybe a few months.

"Dream?" I turned to look behind me to meet George staring at me confusingly, I guess I forgot I got grouped with George while the other groups has at least 3-4 people.

"Hmm?" I hummed as George walked up to me and walked directly next to me. 

"You seemed tense, also why were you acting so pissed when Quackity and Karl grouped up with Sapnap?" George asked.

"I don't know, everyone already knows Sap and I are dating... I guess I just wanted some alone time with him before we possibly find a lava pool..." I admitted.

"Hmm... just be glad I'm the only one who noticed how mad you looked when those two took Sapnap, and between you and me... and don't want to find a lava pool either" George said, "Sapnap and I have become really good friends and I don't wanna lose him".

I hummed in response as George and I continued to walk through the cave, fighting off a few monsters here and there. Time went by and it was close to night time, and suddenly we found a lava pool. We looked at each other and we knew exactly we were thinking, we simply slowly backed away from the lava and left the cave, there is no way in hell that I'm going to stand by and watch Sapnap leave after we just started dating. 

Everyone agreed to meet back up at the village, so when George and I arrived everyone else did as well. We all grouped up in the center of the village where there was a small campfire. We were all standing up since there weren't any chairs.

"So, did anyone find a lava pool?" Technoblade asked. Everyone shook their heads no, everyone except Tommy, Tubbo and Sapnap... uh oh.

"We did" Tubbo quietly said.

"You three did?" Quackity questioned which the three of them nodded yes in response.

"We're going back home... we're going back home!" Hailey exclaimed and launched herself onto Sapnap and Harry as the three of them laughed and hugged each other tightly. Everyone was happy, but not George and I... well mostly me. Tommy pulled out a big enough piece that fits the hole in the portal, and my heat dropped..

"When should we fix the portal?" Drista asked.

"Um... maybe we could fix it tomorrow morning, we can leave maybe next week" Harry said and Sapnap and Hailey jumped up and down.

"We're staying for another week!" Sapnap and Hailey cheered, I sighed a sigh of relief after I heard what Harry said. Another full week before he leaves, that gives me enough time to spend time alone with him. Everyone went into their houses after chatting for a bit, Sapnap and I were currently laying on our bed cuddling.

"Sap.." I quietly and nervously said.


"When you leave and go back to the Nether... what's going to happen between us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll probably not be able to come back here because of your father, and if that happens we will never be able to see each other... I would go to the Nether and visit you.. but your father doesn't let you out of the fortress either. I don't want to be apart.. and I don't want to break up either."

Sapnap stared at me, giving me a smile and a quick peck on the lips.

"I'll sneak you into my room, after all my father always knocks so when he does, you'll hide somewhere"

I laughed, at least we'll be able to see each other. Sapnap kissed my cheek and moved around to get in a comfortable position to go to sleep, but before he got the chance to actually fall asleep, I picked him up and kissed him. I looked into his blue reddish eyes and smiled, getting a smile from him in return. He kissed me and this time I lightly pushed him on the bed, onto his back. I lightly licked his bottom lip and he slightly opened his mouth, I slipped my tongue inside and started to explore every inch of his mouth. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I placed my right hand on his waist. 

After about a minute, we broke the kiss to catch our breaths. We stared into each others eyes and smiled. We got up, changed, got back on the bed and cuddled. I played with Sap's hair as he slowly fell into a deep sleep, causing me to go to sleep myself. 

Different / A DreamNap Love Story / Demonic_0Where stories live. Discover now