New Friend - Chapter 4

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Word Count: 1,120

~Wilbur's POV~

It's currently the day after Tommy and Tubbo found Harry, Hailey and Sapnap. The three of them seem to have... an... interesting relationship. Sapnap hasn't woken up from his sleep since Dream took him up to his room, guess he really did need that rest. Harry and Hailey were arguing whether Harry should wake Sap up, or if Hailey should stop him and let Sapnap sleep.

"Look, we all saw those bags under Sapnap's eyes... he really needs some sleep" Ranboo said, "maybe there is a reason why he's lost sleep back in the Nether"

"Ranboo is right Harry, Sapnap has been losing sleep and we have no idea why! For gods sakes, we don't even know what our dad makes Sapnap do when we don't see him for almost a fucking month!" Hailey said, she was quite mad at Harry... and she was right, nobody in the room knew what Sapnap had to do while he was stuck in his room, or stuck anywhere else. All of a sudden, I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.. I walked over and saw Sapnap.

"Hey guys look, Sap's awake! Good morning, you hungry? Do you need more sleep?" I asked, to be honest I was worries for his health... he is very skinny.

"mm.. no I'm fine, I'm pretty sure I got enough sleep right now, but I am hungry" Sapnap responded, I took a hold of his hand and lightly pulled him towards Dream's kitchen and searched for some food. Once we were inside the kitchen, I finally got the chance to talk to Sap alone.

"So, do you have any friends back at the Nether?" I asked while finding some cooked potatoes, from the look of Sapnap's face, I'm pretty sure he'd like it.

"No, there aren't really people back in the Nether, all there is are ghasts, piglins, striders, enderman, skeletons, and some other mobs" Sapnap answered, he didn't really sound bothered, he took the cooked potatoes and began eating, it looked like he was enjoying it.

"hmm... well then, maybe the two of us could be friends? we can tell each other things we don't want to tell others, we'll keep them as secrets between us" I said, Sapnap looked at me and took a moment and nodded. I smiled and gave him a hug, it seemed like he's never been hugged before.. but it sure did look like he needed one since he almost immediately hugged me back.

"So, now that we're friends... maybe you could tell me what your father makes you do?" I asked, Sapnap sat down on a chair that was in the room while I just sat on one of the chests.

"Well, since I got my powers my father has had me... forced me to read all these book to become a good future king, every time I finished one book, he would immediately give me another.. and it was always longer than the other book. I'd spend hours, even days in my room reading and memorizing all these useless books, causing me to lose sleep and sometimes not even eat for almost a week, which explains my weight" Sapnap explained, it as honestly sad having to be forced to do all of that... maybe, with the time he'll spend here with us.. he'll become happier and not worry about doing any of that, well not until he returns.

"This is good, never had it before" Sap said, I looked over at him and he ate his last piece of cooked potatoes. I smiled and decided it would be best for him to get fresh air, walk around and explore since he's never been here before.

"hey, what do you think about going exploring with me and Ranboo? We were already planning on going and wanted you to come" I asked, Sapnap nodded his head and we both left the kitchen, seeing everyone was talking.

"oh hey you two, what took you so long?" Karl asked, Sapnap and I just looked at each other and said nothing.

"Um, Ranboo how about we go explore? Sapnap is coming with us" I said, Ranboo nodded but before the three of us were able to reach the door, Dream stopped us.

"You three aren't going anywhere without protection, and I'm going to just in case" Dream said, going to his storage room and getting some armor from the three of us, which Sapnap denied as Ranboo and I were forced to put them on. Everyone else decided to stay behind and get to know Hailey and Harry, which meant no screaming children.

As we were walking around plain land, just a few trees around and a lot of animals. Sapnap would look around and you can just see his eyes glow in amazement. I looked over at Dream who couldn't help but stare at Sapnap, he had his mask off and resting on his head so you could see his face. You could just tell Dream feels differently towards Sapnap, the way he just offered Sapnap to sleep in his room and let him borrow his clothes. Dream even let Sap wear his favorite green hoodie since his own was dirty and was currently getting cleaned, that's definitely not the way Dream normally is. The way he's looking at Sap just says he doesn't see him as just a friend, not that I'm complaining.

"So, how are you liking this place?" Dream asked Sapnap, yeah... definitely sees him differently.

"It's beautiful, colorful too.. doesn't smell like literal smoke" Sapnap said, Ranboo, Dream and I laughed at the last part. The four of us continued to walk around until we arrived at a cliff, Sapnap took a peek off the cliff and stepped back as he sat down. Dream, Ranboo and I looked at him but decided to sit down as well. We noticed the sun was starting to set, how long did we walk?!

"Oh, do you like sunsets?" Ranboo asked Sapnap, who just stared at him.

"How should I know, I've never seen one.." Sap said, Ranboo laughed, "but it looks pretty.."

"Sounds like you will like them" Dream said and he continued to look at Sapnap. Sap began to smile as the sun was almost gone, the current moment was quite but it was peaceful. We sat there before Sapnap yawned laid down.

"Come on, let's go back to my place" Dream said, picking Sapnap up which caught him off. I bet he has a crush on him. We all walked a very long way as Sapnap ended up falling asleep while Dream carried him. Ranboo and I looked at each other and knew exactly what we were going to do tomorrow, we're going to question the fuck out of Dream. 

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