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Six Months Later--

"You can't be serious..."

Yo didn't look at Kit or Toey. He was too busy freaking out inside his own head over what he'd just discovered. His eyes didn't leave the two lines on the little stick sitting innocently on the bathroom counter while he held his head in his hands. This had to be impossible. There was no way this was really happening.

Right? There was no way a guy could get pregnant, right?

Even if he was a reincarnated shaman...

"Beam is pregnant, too," Toey said casually. "This is supernatural stuff we're talking about. Maybe Yo can conceive because he has magic."

"But what about us?? Beam is the luna of a wolf pack, Yo is a reincarnated shaman, but where does that leave us?? We're just normal humans!"

Toey sniggered. "What's so bad about that? Are you telling me you want the ability to give P'Ming a child?"

Kit growled at him. "So what if I do? Huh? Is it so weird I want to have a family with him?"

"This coming from the guy who ran from his Fated One in the beginning," Toey scoffed playfully.

"Will you two knock it off," Yo croaked out, breathing deeply. "I didn't call you over here to argue about supernatural crap. If that's all you're going to do, then leave. I have to figure out how to tell P'Pha about this..."

A door closed from downstairs, alerting the three young men to the arrival of one of their Fated Ones, or maybe even Beam. He was planning to visit Yo today.

"Yo?" Beam poked his head around the bathroom door. "Um..." he looked at Toey and Kit in confusion. "What's going on? Are you two fighting again?"

Yo wordlessly pointed at the stick. He had no clue how Beam was going to react.

Beam stepped closer, his t-shirt showing the slight bump of his abdomen where his and Forth's first child was growing. "Oh, wow...congratulations, Yo!" Beam enthusiastically hugged his friend. "Not every being is able to conceive! I'm so happy for you!!" He pulled back, giving Yo a huge smile. "Does P'Pha know?"

"Not yet," Yo shook his head. "He's still at the university. As soon as he found me puking my guts out this morning, he made me stay here with Ming and Tarn watching me."

Kit folded his arms. "Where is that idiot of mine, anyway? He was supposed to be here."

"I sent him out after food. And Tarn went for my pink milk. It wasn't hard to get them to leave when I said you were coming to see me," Yo looked at Beam. "P'Forth has you guarded twenty-four seven right now, doesn't he."

Beam made a face. "Yes. I understand why, but it's so annoying. I can't even go to the restroom by myself! One of those wolves has to be within ten feet of me at all times. I hate it."

Kit and Toey laughed quietly. That was so Beam. He liked having his freedom, but now that he was pregnant, Forth wasn't taking any chances with him or their unborn baby.

Yo was about to comment on how Forth must really cherish Beam when he felt Pha's presence. "P'Pha is here." He stood up and threw the stick away, quickly washing his hands and leaving the bathroom, the others trailing after him.

"Little one, I'm finally home," Yo was wrapped in a gentle hug. "Feeling any better?"

"I have some news," Yo smiled up at Pha, welcoming the kiss.

Pha's eyes scanned the area around them. "Where are Ming and Tarn? I told them to stay here with you."

"I sent them for food and pink milk," Yo explained, hoping his protective vampire lover didn't tear the aristocrats a new one when they got back.

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