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"You gotta stop with the werewolf jokes man, they're not funny and they're not helpful" Zed scolded lightly as we began to walk outside.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop. But they are funny" I conceded tossing my arms in the air in surrender.

"They're not. For now though we gotta focus on my presidential campaign" Zed declared energetically.

"Oh yeah. Totally! You got this. You'll be a great president" I enthused as we walked through the courtyard.

"Zed for prez!" Zed called out " Vote Zed for prez! Cause I'm a zom-be not a zom- can't be" he ended off with a smile, handing out one of his flyers to some of the kids.

"So I can't make werewolf jokes but you can say crap like that? That's just rude" I complained with a shake of my head as I shoved some of Zed's flyers in some girls backpacks who were walking by. Eliza gave me an odd look but I just shrugged, if they weren't going to take the flyers willingly I would make them, maybe they'd change their minds when they saw the flyers later.

"Okay so here's our platform" Eliza began as I continued shoving flyers in peoples bags " we fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria"

"Right" Zed agreed.

"Good choice!" I added in.

"Get zombie tongue taught as a second language" Eliza continued.

"Good" Zed agreed.

"Totally" I once again added in.

"And a how to overthrow your oppressors after school club" the zombie girl finished off.

"No" I shut her down quickly.

"Eliza!" Zed protested with a smile. Eliza looked sheepish as she agreed that we shouldn't overpromise.

"But more importantly, we allow zombies at Prawn" Zed reminded the girl.

"Yes! That's what I'm talking about!" I quickly piped up. I was so excited for Prawn. I didn't have anyone to go with but it was still going to be great.

"Good luck mister future president" Addison's sing-song-y voice interrupted the conversation as she sauntered over, Bree running over excitedly as well.

" Hey Zed, did you hear? Addy's being tested for cheer captain and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow!" Bree squealed.

"That's awesome Addy! I can't wait for practice." I encouraged, happy that my friend was getting a shot at her dream.

"Thanks Wex, but it's not a big deal" we all looked at her unimpressed, knowing it was a big deal. The white haired girl quickly corrected herself in saying that it was a huge deal. It would have been a better moment if one of the Acey's hadn't decided to join in that it was a huge chance for Addy to fail, but oh well. You win some you lose some.

"If Addy aces this practice, oh my gosh! She's so going to be captain once Bucky wins" Bree quickly interrupted the downer that was the Acey's " and he's so gonna win, cause you know elections are these big old popularity contests and Bucky is like super popular!" I found myself nodding with a dazed smile at the thought of Bucky before realizing Addison was shaking her head to try and stop Bree. I quickly began shaking my head as well, remembering that Zed was running against Bucky. Zed quickly cleared his throat to interrupt Bree, the small girl looking apologetic. I tried to smile encouragingly at Zed as him and Addison talked about how only one of them would be able to get what they wanted. Zed had to be all cute of course though, explaining that he'd be happy no matter what cause one of them would win. I couldn't help but find myself wishing to have something like they have with someone as we began to walk around and campaign again.

"Zed fore Prez!" I called out as I handed out flyers. Zed told me I had to stop shoving them in peoples bags without asking. Total buzzkill, but oh well.

"Lookin' good Bonzo!" I greeted the tall zombie. The green haired boy was handing out flyers, dressed up in a custom painted sign of Zed. Bonzo smiled widely at me before it dropped off his face as a pink van drove by, speakers loudly blaring a campaign slogan for Bucky.

"Okay, so that's awesome" I blurted out, staring at the van as it passed " but you're awesomer!" I quickly tried to correct myself, shooting finger guns at Bonzo with an awkward grin on my face. Bonzo thanked my with a big smile before continuing his campaign strategy.

As I made my way around the courtyard I spotted the werewolves hanging around, nervously glancing around at everyone. I smiled at the sight of them, especially when my eyes caught the soft brown ones of the one male wolf. His eyes seemed so familiar. The wolf lifted up his hand in a wave, a small smile on his face. I quickly darted my head around to make sure he was waving at me, my face heating up when I realized I was definitely the one he was waving to. My hand darted up to throw a peace sign, my usual awkward smile on my face. At the slightly confused look on the boy's face my eyes darted to the weird peace sign my hand was holding. I sighed loudly at the sight of the offending hand, lowering it slowly as I sent a sheepish smile to the dark haired boy. The wolf seemed to let out a chuckle as his friends looked at him oddly before following his gaze to stare over at me.

Oh god. This is so awkward. This has been even worse than when I try to get Bucky to notice me. What is wrong with me?

I quickly shot the group finger guns before running of into the school, an embarrassed flush to my face.

"Why do you look like a tomato?" was he first thing that came out of Eliza's mouth as I walked up to her and Zed who were hanging around inside.

"I think I might have a weird embarrassing attraction to one of the wolves" was my immediate response.

"What happened to your weird obsession with Bucky from ten minutes ago?" Zed questioned a look of disgust and confusion on his face.

"Oh, still alive and kicking but there's also a very cute wolf boy that makes me embarrass myself when he smiles at me"

"Glare back at his smile and assert your dominance" was Eliza's suggestion. Zed looked at her questionably as I shook my head at her.

"Yeah... I don't think I have any sort of dominant energy in me. Have you met me?"

"Good point" Eliza agreed before we were interrupted by the wolves bursting in through the doors and marching down the hall. Zed shook his head at me as I stared after the wolf boy that had caught my eye.

"First Bucky and now a werewolf?" Zed muttered to Eliza incredulously " think I can make it a law that he has to stop crushing on weird people when I'm president?"

"I heard that" I muttered back to the duo as we walked after the wolves., Eliza laughing at Zed and I.

"With the cheer fans in Bucky's camp and zombies and the football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle" Zed began speaking of his campaign again " werewolves are the swing vote" he came to his final conclusion.

"Wolves are the key to winning this election, but winning over the wolves is gonna be hard" Eliza added.

"Trust me, I got this. We are going to win over the wolves and more. We just have to show them how to fit in, like us" Zed tried to convince Eliza.

"Yeah, Zed has totally got this Liza. Besides, I think the wolves are cool, it would be great to have them on our side" I added in my input as we watched the wolves.

"Yeah, it'll be easy" Zed agreed as the bell rang for class. I laughed at Zed as he jumped at the sound of the wolves howling along with the bell.

"You should've seen your face!" I cackled as we walked to class. Howling, and mimicking his face as we went. 


Hi! I'm back and this story is no longer discontinued. Thank you for all your lovely comments over he past year, they have really motivated me to start writing again. Please continue to comment and let me know what you think about the story! I'm excited to continue telling Wexton's story. 

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