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What's up? I'm Wexton, welcome to Seabrook! This is a strong, tight knit community where cheer is the name, and belonging is the game. I try my best to fit in, but sometimes it can be pretty hard. I just started going to regular school for the first time last year, but my brother Zed and I totally rocked it! Well, Zed rocked it; I kind of just cheered him on and helped out the best I could.

Fun fact! My brother Zed? A zombie. I know, crazy right? Zombies are a big part of Seabrook though, and until last year the Zombies were completely segregated from the rest of the community. I grew up in an all zombie household, other than myself of course. I'm just a regular everyday human; well, except for my hair. White hair. Cool right? I thought so, not everyone else though. All of the humans thought my hair was freakish so no family wanted to adopt me, then came the Necrodopolis family. The Necrodopolis family were willing to take me in even though they were zombies, so when I was six they chose to adopt me into their family. I have a feeling the humans wanted to get rid of me and that's why they let zombies adopt a regular kid; but hey! It totally worked in my favor! Zed and I became fast friends seeing as we were the same age, and now we're basically attached at the hip! Well, we would be if my hips were level with his, Zed is a total giraffe – maybe he's adopted too, wouldn't that be a shocker?

Life's pretty good now, I'm almost sixteen and I'm going to Seabrook High. I am living my best life as a Mighty Shrimp cheerleader with my brother's girlfriend Addison (who, fun fact! Also has white hair). I still feel a little left out sometimes, not being a zombie and also not fitting in with the other humans, but life is still pretty good.

Well, now it's the last week of summer, and it is time to absolutely rock cheer camp! Let's go! 

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