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I was sitting back in my home in Zombietown. I told the wolves I needed to talk things through with my family.

"I'm sorry about the demolition son" my dad spoke up from the kitchen table.

"It's okay dad. We'll figure something out" I tried to be optimistic.

"No. It's not okay. Nothing is okay" Zed spoke up "the zombies can't go to Prawn, the werewolves are in danger and being treated like monsters. We need to do something about it"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Take me to the wolves. I have an idea" with that, I got up and began to lead the way. As we walked through the woods Zed and I joked around like we normally would. It was good being on good terms with him again. It didn't take long before we'd made it to the den. As we walked inside I couldn't help but feel awful as I looked around at Wyatt and Willa taking care of all the sick wolves.

"They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power" Zed spoke up as he walked over to the pair " and I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are"

"Yeah, but what are we now zombie?" Wyatt fought back as he pulled me into him.

"You're fierce proud werewolves!" Zed argued. I smiled at him. He really was turning things around.

"They think we're monsters" Willa argued back. Zed looked over at me, the two of us sharing a look.

"We are monsters" I spoke up earning questioning glances from my new packmates.

Soon we'd gathered up werewolves and zombies all together to get ready for Prawn. We were going to crash it. We had just as much right to be at that dance as the rest of the people in Seabrook did, and since we were monsters we figured maybe we'd start acting likes ones and break some rules.

"Here, let me" I offered as I fixed Wyatt's tie.

"Thanks" Wyatt murmured.

"So um, I was thinking we should do this right if we're going to crash this dance so, " Wyatt started out before taking my hands in his, his brown eyes looking deep into mine "Wexton, will you go to Prawn with me?"

"Of course, you idiot" I accepted his offer, pulling him towards me to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You guys are so cute" Eliza complimented as she and Zed came over to us.

"She's right. Also, sorry for getting jealous and thinking you liked Addison" Zed spoke to Wyatt.

"It's all good. Wex thought the same thing"

"He's not wrong" I laughed. The group of us all finished getting ready before starting our walk to Seabrook High. As we all walked towards the entrance of the school the students looked on in shock.

"You can't be here, there's laws against this" Bucky argued as we stood in front of him.

"Bad laws are meant to be broken" Zed explained.

"And monsters don't follow the rules" Eliza backed him up, the two of them sharing a high five " zombies are a part of Seabrook Bucky and we deserve to be here"

"We're a part of Seabrook too" Wyatt joined in "the originals in fact"

"Someone's gotta stop you" Bucky complained as he headed towards the Z-Alarm. I rushed over to him quickly growling in his face.

"Ah!" he squealed at the sight of me "invisible cheer kid?" he questioned in a high voice.

"Yeah, I think I'm done being invisible" I snapped, claws still out and eyes glowing.

THE CALL | W. LYKENSENWhere stories live. Discover now